Altai trip

Dear spiritual family, the life-time adventure for this year has come to an end keeping our connection with Altai Spirits forever in hearts.Though it is only the beginning for all of us. Thank you for your amazing hearts and love ❤ that were care in the day and were guiding light in the night. 15 countries have united in Love and in Spirit. Now all of you are back home to continue meeting each other in your circles and groups. I hope all of you will keep the most precious memory in your heart – connection with the circle of Enlightened Masters. We have been one of the most inspired and loving family of all times during 8 days. And next year our family will grow bigger to meet in mysterious Kazakhstan that charm us with chants, spices and Sirius civilization land. Sirius magic giant stones, Sirius lake and Sirius mountains of Khazahstan will host international expedition in 2019 between July 26th and August 2nd! Are you ready? Night fires, Altai starts, song...