Tibetan rice - the panacea of nutrition. A recipe from Lilelle Alma

In ancient times, Tibetan monks knew a cure for all ills. It gave them strength, vigour, cured of diseases, cleansed the body of toxins and rejuvenated. Nutrition with rice prepared in a special way was considered to be such a universal remedy. Nowadays, all Eastern healers recognise Tibetan rice as a panacea diet. The recipe for this dish is simple. Fry dry rice until golden brown, pour a little water on it and boil it till it's ready. Fry the rice again in a little vegetable oil. Sprinkle parsley, grated carrots, green onions with garlic and a little pepper. The cooked rice is eaten with strong tea (not coffee). This Tibetan dish helps one to be active and energetic all the time, heals from all diseases, including arthritis, radiculitis, diabetes, hypertension, diseases of the digestive system, increases mental activity.