Golden Milk. Lilelle Alma

Golden Milk is a divine nectar that helps restore the physical body: 
🌟bones become flexible, 
🌟ligaments are strong, 
🌟the body is malleable until old age. 

Golden milk fills the aura with golden glow, protecting against viruses, strengthens the vitalistic body against lyarvas and dark spirits. 

All the heros of the world, the wisest kings in the age of prosperity praised this drink because it activated the brain and helped reveal the qualities of divinity πŸ˜‡

🌼First you need to make a paste of turmeric: take a teaspoon of turmeric, mix it with a little water, and boil the mixture on the fire, a paste should appear
🌼To make the milk itself, you just need to warm a glass of milk and add to it half of the paste, or a quarter, depending on your taste preferences.
🌼mix the milk well with the turmeric paste
🌼You can add almond oil (a quarter or half teaspoon)
🌼 Stir in the warm drink - it's a lovely golden color
🌼 now pour the drink into glasses.
🌼 I recommend drinking the drink in the morning when you first wake up.
🌼Take a teaspoon of honey, put it on your tongue and take a sip of the wonderful drink and feel how the energy of clarity, vivacity and goodness fills you.

After the drink is finished, send gratitude and praise the Sun for this wonderful energy it gifted to you.

πŸ‘†To make this drink, to drink it, to praise the sun and invite your beloved once with it ❤️❤️❤️❤️😊😊😊😊😊


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