What is Gyud?

Gyuid is an ancient method our ancestors used to work with their subconscious, to discover the hidden potential, to free themselves from fears, cure themselves and find their life calling.
It was nearly lost; come to think of it, the world could have been devoid of this wonderful self-alteration instrument!
I came to know about this method from my Teacher, back when I used to study in the retreat for 7 years. Sanctified Tibet Lamas came to visit us in a secluded aul in the mountains; they brought the oral tradition of Gyuid, but the only thing they could pass to us was the form of rituals and that little knowledge that was left. My Teacher had a gift of Sahasrara vision and was able to travel through Akasha chronicles of our planet to the ancient times of our history and restore this rare method in the name of the common good.
And since my Teacher’s level is so high that not every person is able to meet him during his or her lifetime, it is my mission to pass the Gyuid method on, to share it with people, to give them help and directions to follow the road of their own calling, so they could experience all the happiness of life and enjoy its every moment on their own as well as with their families.

 A person can even bring up memories from early childhood while in contact with the subconscious. Why does that happen and what is the use of that?  It is no secret that every event of our life from the moment of our birth stays in our memory, but is hidden deep in our subconscious. Inside that “closet” positive memories reside as well as negative. That is the safeguard function of our memory: to erase anything that can hurt our soul.
Yet sometimes these deeply hidden childhood experiences may emerge in a form of phobias (fears) and psychosomatic disorders (gastritis, bronchial asthma etc.) Gyud helps you to re-play, divulge from the subconscious those negative moments you once had and change what they mean to you by the means of special affirmations or changing your attitude.

Working with the subconscious is a very serious and demanding matter. 
It takes great experience, morality and positive thinking. That is why Gyud is a secret methodology and it has remained so for over a thousand years: it is only passed orally from master to student. 
The main objective of Gyud system is to heal the subconscious, to help a person. You all well know that a lot of “experts” appear in the modern world; they work with trans-states, with human consciousness and promise to solve many of existing problems. For example, these are hypnosis techniques based on few shards of Gyud knowledge. That is why every person seeking help should be really attentive and choosy. There have been many cases when people who underwent such procedure turned to me for help afterwards. I even had to save people from asylums.
For example, look at the modern aggressive advertising. Or watch politicians and religious figures perform. All these are effective and practically no-failure infusion programs which affect human behavior in a certain way. Step by step these programs pile up in the human subconscious and as a result they start controlling us without our will or notion. “Due to” mass-media and various religious sects we all fall under their powerful hypno-suggestive influence every day. That is why each one of us should learn to effectively fight that aggressor back and stand against informational zombieing. It is a matter of life and death. Otherwise you will become (or have already become) marionettes in skillful hands of swindlers and charlatans without even noticing it.  

Gyud can wake superpowers in each and every one of us.
With the help of Gyud you can easily advance a person’s quality of study: you can raise the effectiveness of memorizing, improve concentration focus, and even discover super-abilities; you can bring truly inexhaustible inner strength to life and hidden, unclaimed resources a person may never have a slightest idea about.
Besides, using Gyuid you can easily free a person  from baseless fears, anxiety and lack of self-confidence. Moreover, you can cure a person from many illnesses, especially from those which are thought to be caused “by nerves”. And you can free a person from any addiction: alcohol, nicotine, drug-addiction, video game and others – it is very simple.

Elementary but –unbelievable
Do mysterious and inexplicable things happen during sessions?
One of such things is a person submerging into a state of age progress or regress, into other dates and times he or she did not and could not live in: like 1905 or 1812. Most astounding thing is that people start speaking inset phrases that were used in those times and describe historical events of those days in a great detail.
Still, even more interesting and mysterious is when I “teleport” my client into the future. I’ve checked one of my client’s visions in a year – it came true completely!!!

The only game in town
Tell us, how long does a Gyud session last and how many do you need to get good results?
It all depends on the sickness we are dealing with and on its stage. The duration of an average Gyud session is 20-30 minutes, deep submerging lasts for an hour. It may last up to 10-12 hours if it is a Gyud-rest which serves in aiding a person to relax completely. The same is with treatment duration. A minor course is usually 3-9 sessions, а medium one – 10-15. Yet in some cases patients require a long Gyud therapy which may last for several months or even years.

Creative motivation
Is it true that a person may even learn a foreign language in the state of Gyud?
Some of my patients really start talking in a foreign language. I am often asked to make an individual audio-session for better learning of a foreign language. For it is an absolute necessity for a modern person to know languages. Also students turn to me from time to time asking me to remove their pre-exam anxiety. Gyud may also help activate thinking process, expand the memory span. After Gyud sessions some people get musical or artistic abilities.

A balm for body and soul
Who needs Gyud session?
A range of problems solved by Gyud is huge. It includes neurotic disorders (from stammer to depression) and psycho-somatic diseases. It has been proven that Gyud therapy is effective against diabetes, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers,and asthma. It is also effective against habitual miscarriage, threatened miscarriage and fighting anxiety of  future labour. By the way, a girl was born in January: her mom had carriage problems, I started Gyud sessions and it all turned very well; the family is happy.
Gyud therapy is effective in treating dermatitis, psoriasis, carbuncles; moreover, it is highly effective against alcohol, drug and nicotine addiction.
Gyud therapy has one more amazing aspect: after hypnosis sessions blood biochemistry changes, immunity rises. That’s right, don’t be surprised! Gyud takes off emotional pressure, thus freeing inner “pharmacies” of bioactive agents.

Together or apart?
Which session is better – group or individual?
Group Gyud sessions with up to 50 participants are good for people with similar pathology: like alcohol or drug addiction, stammer or enuresis etc.
Or it can be a body curing session with up to 1000 participants. Moreover, session effectiveness in such cases increases due to human induction (from more sensitive people to less sensitive ones), and healing affirmations penetrates deeper into the subconscious.
Individual Gyud session is more goal-oriented; it is performed to deal with a person’s unique problem. During such sessions I use words and affirmations that are based on patient’s basic ideas, judging from that person’s nervous system typology. And, of course, we verbalize the goal we need to achieve only after individual meeting and stopping problems. I also consider such aspects as perception channels. For example, visual images are more effective for visual learners, audio learners take in audio information better, and kinesthetic learners perceive the world through senses of touch, smell and gestation.
As a matter of fact, it is possible to diagnose some diseases through the nature of induction images. For example, people in depression see black-and-white picture during Gyud sessions, but when depression starts to subside, picture starts glittering with bright colors.


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