Siberian shaman Lilelle in San Ftancisco, July 2016

July 13th  6:30pm - 10:30pm

Shamanic Siberian Experience - A Spirit Journey to Siberia

Siberian Massage "Power of Elements" Ancient practice from Slavic Tantric tradition to revitalize body, balance masculine and feminine energies, remove stress, burn toxins, and quire qualities of elements into life to resolve all situations. Shamanic Ecstasy Trance for Consciousness Expansion. Ancient Trance technique allows expansion of our consciousness, opening of intuition and psychic powers for the realization of a Happy Soul Destiny. Guided Shamanic Journey to a place of power, the lake Baikal. Circle Healing Prayer for World Peace, Health and Harmony. This ceremony will help you to be filled with energy, gain health and good luck for all your doings. Help you, your relatives and all the Planet.

July 14th 11am-4pm
Private Sessions with Lilelle will be made available for the following day.

July 14 6 - 9 pm
Siberian Shamanic Trance - "Expand Your Consciousness"
this is a not-to-miss multi-faceted workshop! (no prior experience/knowledge required)*Siberian Massage "Power of Elements" Ancient practice from Slavic Tantric tradition to revitalize body, balance masculine and feminine energies, remove stress, burn toxins, and quire qualities of elements into life to resolve all situations.
*Shamanic Ecstasy Trance for Consciousness Expansion. Ancient Trance technique allows expansion of our consciousness, opening of intuition and psychic powers for the realization of a Happy Soul Destiny.
*Guided Shamanic Journey to a place of power, the lake Baikal

Jule 16 7-9 pm
Shamanic Tantra
Each of us has a cosmic second half, a second half of our soul which is present in the ideas of higher worlds. This second half has such qualities and powers which we are lacking ourselves. Every time when we try to find a second half in a partner, we may run into a fiasco if we haven't met before our cosmic second half and haven't established a connection with it and understanding of what we truly need in this life. The ability to meet our highest second half and understand what can be done to obtain happiness on earth is called  - shamanic tantra.

July 17th 2 pm - 5:30 pm  
Siberian Shamanism - Ancient Wisdom for Modern Living
The Center SF

Shamanism - is the foundation of all modern religions, science and mysticism. There are many different forms of shamanism exist today on the Earth. Scientists studying ancient cultures found the roots of Siberian shamanism in Australian, African, American, and even Tibetan shamanism and in many modern religions.
Shamanism - is a way of communication between human and nature. It has always been since the advent of the World, but also in our day not lost its relevance. Modern people are increasingly resorting to the help of shamans! After all, shamanism reveals the secrets of the ancient art of healing, love and create harmony, success and good luck, happiness and joy. Siberian shamans help people to find their hidden strength, to master super ability and thereby be able to heal themselves and to help all the people of Earth.

You will learn about Gods of the four worlds in Siberian shamanism. Connect with the Goddess Umai - the Goddess of Present, the Goddess of the material world and gain strength to achieve the goals of healing, material well-being. Umai protects families, women, creating a strong field of protection for all family members.
Shamanic ritual Blessing of the Goddess Umai for healing, luck and prosperity.

July 18th   
Personal Sessions, Private Diagnostics and more 1:1 work with Lilelle. 

Hurry to book your session as time and space are limited. 

July 19 7pm-9pm
Shamanic Sound Healing
Journeying with the Spirit of Siberia

Connect with the power of Ancestry Lineage, receive blessings for opening a happy destiny and removal of physical and psychological blockages.

July 19, 8-9:00 am
Shamanic Happy Morning Ritual
Morning practice for a happy day


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