• Why our most cherished dreams don’t come true?
• How can we avoid straying while looking for the real love?
• Why does health let me down and how can I change it?
• To what extent do you make right decisions?
• How can I make a good choice when everything is so messed in my life?
Probably you have accumulated a lot of questions about life. But how can you find a correct answer to each of them? Whom can you ask for advice if people around only complain about their own troubles?
From ancient times people have addressed shamans and oracles to solve the most important matters. These most wise people were considered members of the highest caste for a good reason; they advices were taken into account not only by ordinary people, but also by the Great of the World. Omnipotent princes visited oracles and those foretold them the future, assisted with advice when they had to take an extremely important political decision and even healed from grave diseases.
Once powerful oracles created a great mandala in which they put all their knowledge and divided it into many parts. Till our days composing them in different ways you can embrace the great secrets of the world, reveal the sense of all things, and foresee fate of every person. This is how tarot cards have come into existence.
The Shaman tarot are cards based upon the secret power of the Shaman Mandala. They are the most vivid and most accurate cards in the world which allow us to fathom the secrets of the world order and solve any life problems, even the most difficult ones. For thousands of years disasters which occurred with people have been the same – suffering from diseases, loneliness, poverty, debts and family discords. I dare to say that nowadays people need help even more than our ancestors.
The Shaman world map shows a person his destiny, anticipates coming hardships and joys – and helps to cope with all challenges on the life journey.
I have a magazine in front of me. How can I find an answer to the question bothering me?Shaman kar
How should you tell fortunes on the shaman world map?
1. Open the shaman world map.
2. Take in hands any item that is filled with your energy – it can be a bijou which you always wear on like ear-ring or a ring.
3. Holding the item in hands ask the Universe a question with your thoughts.
4. Throw the item on the Shaman world map as a dice.
5. Look attentively: which part did your item fall on, which picture and which number is the closest to it?
6. Follow the instructions given in definition.
We wish you luck and successful solutions to all your problems!
Sacred knowledge of the Shaman tarot cards have been kept зgreat secret for many thousands of years and were passed from a shaman to a shaman through generations. It is the most ancient and profound knowledge of how the world is built and of laws that work in it. This most valuable experience was opened to us by the Great White Shaman – Kudai Kam. It was him who has showed the world the true understanding and structure of Tengri tradition of Shamanism.
Plenty of people whose numbers exceed tens of thousands were cured due to the very methods of the Tengri tradition of Shamanism. While one who will conceive the structure of the Shaman World Map will rule the entire world. However those teachings hold a great Power that should not be possessed by evil minds. That’s why Kudai Kam will pass his knowledge and reveal the secret hands of the Shaman tarot cards only to the ablest and closest apprentices.


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