
Showing posts from November, 2018

Lilelle Alma in Mexico 2018

MEXICO 21.11.2018 15:00 Free meeting 22.11.2018 14:00 Interview 16:00 Interview 18:20 Interview 20:00 Free meeting 23.11.2018 Individual sessions 19:00-21:00 Workshop 24.11.2018 10:00 Happy morning practices 17:00 Workshop 25.11.2018 10:00 Free blessing 15:00 - 19:00 Workshop 26.11.2018 10:30 Free Blessing Individual sessions 17:30 - 21:00 Workshop 27.11.2018 Individual sessions QUERETARO 28.11.2018 11:00 Blessing of the family 12:00 Ritual 18:00-21:00 Workshop 29.11.2018 Individual sessions GUADALAJARA 30.11.2018 Interview 10:00 Presentation 12:00  Workshop 19:00 Workshop  01.12.2018 9:30 Happy Morning  practices 12:00 Workshop 19:00 Workshop  02.12.2018 Workshop  03.12.2018 Individual sessions 04.12.2018 Individual sessions LEON 05.12.2018 Workshop  06.12.2018 Individual sessions SAN LUIS POTOSI 07.12.2018 Interviews Free blessing Workshop 08.12.2018 9:00 Happy morning 10:00 Workshop 16:00 Workshop 09.12.2018 Individual ses...

Lilelle отвечает: Что важнее внутренняя красота или внешняя?

Внешняя красота говорит о нашем здоровье! Здоровая женщина считается красивой.  А о внутренней красоте говорит наша способность любить!  ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Когда в женщине соединяется красота и любовь, она становится Богиней 💞 Потому что влюбленный человек — красив, он светится счастьем и душевным теплом, он способен обнять весь мир и броситься на помощь кому угодно  🤗 Нас наполняет любовью к детям, к родным, к друзьям, но сильнее всего нас меняет любовь к совершенно посторонним людям (детям, больным, старикам), и не только к людям, но и ко всем живым существам. Помогая другим, ты делаешь их красивыми и становишься красивой сама. Ты становишься для своего мужчины богиней, а не обычной женщиной  ✨ Как помочь людям? С чего начать? Можно приглашать их на занятия, становясь ангелом света в твоем городе, помоги людям изменить их судьбу к лучшему. ❤️  Люди ждут тебя!


CIRCLE HEALING PRAYER CEREMONY WITH SIBERIAN SHAMANS ABOUT THE CEREMONY The Circle Healing Prayer Ceremony for Peace on Earth is a one of a kind technique for group meditative prayer practice rooted in ancient Slavic wisdom. Guided by two Siberian Shamans, the ceremony is a hugely successful, unique approach to unlocking the potential of our Consciousness for Healing and Self Development. As a special gift, the workshop will start with a meditative journeying to the magical places of subconscious world through integration of sound vibration of shamanic music instruments. ABOUT LILELLE ALMA Lilelle is a  Priestess of Slavic shamanism , and founder of the international charity movement,  Circle Healing Prayer. Lilelle teaches seminars and does charity events throughout North/South America, Western/Eastern Europe and Asia.  For the last 10 years she has been using GUYD hypnotherapy and powerful teachings from the Siberian Shamanism t...

Lilelle answer: What do you think is more important: inner beauty or outer beauty?

What do you think is more important: inner beauty or outer beauty?  🌷 Outer beauty explain about our health! A healthy woman is considered beautiful. And our ability to love tell us about inner beauty!  ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ When beauty and love unite in a woman, she becomes a Goddess 💞 Because a man in love is handsome, he is shining with happiness and warmth, he is able to embrace the whole world and rush to help anyone We are filled with love for children, for relatives, for friends, but most of all love change us when we spread our love to people we don't know (children, sick, old people), and not only to people, but also to all living beings. By helping others, you make them beautiful and you become beautiful yourself. You become for your man a goddess, not an ordinary woman  ✨ How to help people? Where to begin? If you feel the call of your heart you can invite them to workshops with shamans, becoming an angel of light in your city, help people change th...

Sacred Womb Purification by Lilelle Alma

The Womb is a sacred organ that connects every woman with the Universe. While she is healthy, her creative energy flows freely. The woman is healthy, feels positive emotions, sees life with joy and hope, and her relationships and projects are successful. But when her Womb becomes energetically dirty, it can cause problems. For example: ☼ It does not provide enough energy in intimate relationships, which can affect the prosperity of a couple and success in their career ☼ During pregnancy, the Womb cannot provide a healthy body to the baby ☼ It can cause diseases such as fibroids, fibroids, polyps ... not only in the uterus but also in the ovaries and chest ☼ In addition, the lineage gets dirty (the baby receives the negative energy of all men who have ever entered the woman's Womb). The destiny of the woman becomes dirty with the emotional and karmic energy of her previous intimate relationships. Relationships can become destructive. Sacred Womb Purification can accelerat...

Lilelle Alma in London 2018

This is first visit Lilelle to the U.K. During Lilelle's visit we will have rituals for attracting:  - spirit of health - special ceremonies for harmonizing relationships - to open the flow of the financial stability Also, women workshops and retreats. Lilelle will be partisipating in Festivals in London and other cities. She will be intervieved by TV, Radio and magazines. Don't miss this oportunity to meet with Lilelle Book your individual session for deeper connection. Program: 5/11 Monday 7.30 - 9.30pm. A blessed evening "Dinner with Lilelle" Sound healing for stress relief. Secrets of a special cooking for your family to be healthy, wealthy, in love and harmonic relationships. 6/11 Introductory evening “THE HEALING POWER FROM YOUR ANCESTORS” «HARMONIC RELATIONSHIP. “HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS LIFE»    7/11 "WISDOM OF THE ANCESTORS “RITUAL TO OPEN A STABLE FINANCIAL FLOW” 8/11 Thursday 6.30 -9.30 MASTER CLASS only FOR WOMEN "5 C...