Sacred Womb Purification by Lilelle Alma

The Womb is a sacred organ that connects every woman with the Universe. While she is healthy, her creative energy flows freely. The woman is healthy, feels positive emotions, sees life with joy and hope, and her relationships and projects are successful.

But when her Womb becomes energetically dirty, it can cause problems. For example:
☼ It does not provide enough energy in intimate relationships, which can affect the prosperity of a couple and success in their career
☼ During pregnancy, the Womb cannot provide a healthy body to the baby
☼ It can cause diseases such as fibroids, fibroids, polyps ... not only in the uterus but also in the ovaries and chest
☼ In addition, the lineage gets dirty (the baby receives the negative energy of all men who have ever entered the woman's Womb). The destiny of the woman becomes dirty with the emotional and karmic energy of her previous intimate relationships. Relationships can become destructive.

Sacred Womb Purification can accelerate your spiritual awakening and generate momentum for new beginnings. This is opportunity to make changes in your life, set intentions or to dig deeper in order to uncover the truth. We call all women that want to step more fully into their Divine Feminine Power. This will be a day of Sisterhood, awakening the Divine Feminine and purifying our Wombs, which connect us to the Universe. May we each stand in our full Divine Feminine power & Infinite potential. This spiritual practice is being hosted by Inner Peace Wellness.
This sacred Womb Purification by Lilelle Alma include:
☼ Opening Circle
☼ Meditation
☼ Talk on Womb Purification & why it is important
☼ Practices and Rituals to awaken your Feminine power (the precise practices will be tailored to the needs of the group)
☼ Womb Purification & Fire Ceremony with sacred plants
☼ Closing Circle

☼ Cleanse your Womb of impurities in a Sacred Womb purification ceremony
☼ Heal your relationships, through cleansing your Womb and awakening your Feminine power
☼ Protect yourself against attacks of psychic energy and negative influences of other people
☼ Cut cords to others, including past relationships
☼ Awaken the Divine Feminine within

We will use a special technique that will help to energetically purify the Womb from the sexual energy of past relationships and recover Health, Harmonise emotions and return you to your full life force.

This sacred Womb Purification by Lilelle Alma will include special practices that will lead you to the awakening of your Female power.


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