Lilelle Alma: About patience

Lilelle Alma:
My dear friends!!
In this lovely evening I would like to wish you patience Смайлик «heart»
Sometimes when we want something, we want it immideately. And if we don't have patience enough we stop trying probably right at the moment when we are almost there!
So I would like to share with you, my dear, this little wisdom, that may help you to get where you want.
May love be always with you! Смайлик «heart»
There was an old wise man and he had a pupil. The pupil used to go to the old man to confess his sins. And the old man always told him: lift yourself up!
- I lifted up myself so many times! But always fell again.
- So lift yourself up again.
- Till when should I fall and lift me up?
- Till the very end.We should not stop trying ever. - said the old man.


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