I feel so blessed to have found these Shaman

Hello Lilelle!

Below is my testimony to what my experience has been like since I started coming to the workshops/events that have been held in Boulder.  Thank you so much and I look forward to seeing you today.  :-)

I feel so blessed to have found these Shamans and the workshops they hold because of how my life has transformed in such a short period of time.  I have had trouble for months finding the right words to say about what my experience has been like.  But overall I have been profoundly changed and amazed at how much more joy I have in my life since I began this practice.  The sessions are all so powerful that right after, I am literally at a loss for words because it feels like I have just met and ignited a new part of my true-self.  I am busily processing and acquainting myself with this new energy and unburdening from my soul that as a result, I am washed over with so many feelings that cannot be expressed properly in the moment to others.  For years my health has been suffering and I tried going to several western doctors for treatment and care, but they were not able to fully understand or treat my symptoms.  I didn’t understand what was happening to me or how to fix it, but my intuition guided me towards understanding that it was because of disharmonious, toxic energies within my spirit.  Very shortly after this realization, I was introduced to Shamanism and almost instantly everything clicked into place. Since last summer, my body, mind, and spirit have been healing in ways I didn’t think were possible.   Learning how to cleanse, calm, and reconnect in difficult times has reduced my stress tremendously and allowed me to manifest into my true-self at an expedited rate.  All of the Shamans have been rekindling my spirit and reawakening my inner power to live towards my highest good in this life.  I feel there is no greater gift that can be provided in this world like the healing power they give to everyone they touch.


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