Meditation on the Sri Yantra allows our  body's  energy to tune up and play with new colors. Life is getting enriched with states of happiness and fullness which  have been not experienced before, and now, we are striving to discover new horizons of knowledge of Life. Go ahead boldly along this path! Remember - every journey begins with the first step!

1. Sit down in a yoga position with a straight spine.  At the level of an eyebrows at a distance of 6-9 ft from you - place or hang an image of Sri Yantra. Look at it with calm and steady gaze. Breathing is smooth and quiet, smooth and silent. Hands are placed on your knees, thumbs and forefingers are joined. The root of the tongue is pressed against the soft palate.

2. I am focusing in the center of my head - the Ajna chakra. I gently slide my gaze at the details of the Sri Yantra, considering its colors, triangles and lines of which it is composed. I realize that in this ancient symbol are displayed all the Laws of the Universe, and I feel a connection with the Universe through this ancient image of the World. The flow of divine energy moves towards me from the Sri Yantra, and flows into the center of my head.
On the inhale, I absorb this flow, and on the exhale I dissolve it. Breathing in, I see Sri Yantra as if in the center of my head, on exhale, I see it in the infinite distance. On the inhale the energy enters me, I exhale dissolved in it. Breathing in, I see Sri Yantra inside my head, on exhale I contemplate it in an infinite distance.
Unlock My eyes, I let this happen. I see all the space around. I contemplate the Sri Yantra.
With great inner hope I contemplate the Sri Yantra.
Look at the Sri Yantra with full hope and devotion. Mentally chant the mantra OM.
Close your eyes, and with a great desire to aspire again to see Sri Yantra before your mind's eye. Take a look at your internal screen with infinite devotion and hope. Hold your breath and mentally call upon AUM.

3. Move your concentration to the crown - chakra Sahasrara. Feel the flow of Divine Light flowing down to you. It carries all the colors forming the Sri Yantra. Here comes 1000 of Sri Yantra, moving you from all sides and directions. Before you receive a continuous stream of Sri Yantra in the two-dimensional image. You see the incredible multi-dimensional Sri Yantra. You see them as if with a different moan, and at the same time from the inside. You are immersed in the stream of fantastic ideas, the most incredible images.

4. Now Focus on the person, time or place from  which you want to get some  information. Infuse with feelings with your heart in it, set  invisible emotional connection. Now try to see or imagine this time, this man, or this place. Completely abandon the image of where you are, move over there. Be internally completely silent and calm. Establish a clear link that you want to learn. Turn off all thoughts, all feelings and wait with hope. Information is already coming to you through images, colors, sounds and heart sensations . Infuse with feelings, look closely, listen to the flow of this information, which you are receiving.


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