Lilelle - Priestess of Siberian Slavic shamanic

Lilelle - Priestess of Siberian Slavic shamanic, healer, family and female coach, helps get rid of the disease, to restore harmony in the family, to attract the soul mate, give birth and raise healthy children, achieve success in business and just be truly happy. She is the heroine of the book "After Death". And founder of the international charity movement "Circler healing prayer".
Lilelle - means soul in ancient pagan language.
The sacred name was received during the initiation in sacred place of Baikal. This initiation opened her ability to see the souls of individuals and their unique gifts. Lilelle uses this ability to help people around the world to become happy and fulfill their soul wishes. Lilelle trains and teaches seminars and does charity events throughout North/South America, Western/Eastern Europe and Asia.
For the last 10 years she has been using GUYD hypnotherapy to help people clear financial debts, misfortunes and poverty.
Lilelle is bringing us a very powerful energy from the Slavic spirit, she is one of the few shamans to be initiated at this level. She travels the world connecting hearts and healing people. Her keen business sense, transformative personal healing powers, love of children, personal skill development and relationship building skills are but a few of her talents. Her exuberance and child like innocence is truly a gift.
The rituals, ceremonies and teachings encompass all spheres of life; healing and harmonizing physical and spiritual health, relationships, and solutions to success. Her presence is a joy, and her teachings are simple but profoundly effective. Thousands of people world-wide are in gratitude for her life changing teachings and healings. Lilelle generates joy, hope and a robust love of life that is completely contagious!!!

Lilelle's information on the internet 



YouTube channel



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