Condemnation – is a boomerang

What is the criticism? This phenomenon has got used to in society, it is implied, that the censorious person knows, what he (she) is talking of, that he (she) is knowledgeable in the issue’s topic, that is he (she) has the right to bring out the critical opinion, to itemize the drawbacks of the others. The criticism may be unpleasant, but it usually entails condemnation, which is more dangerous. It penetrates deeply into the subconsciousness and it brings about the grave diseases. 

Listen attentively to the things, which the spiritual advisors, the master say. Even if their words collapse your living principles, if they make you shake your head at the correctness of the things, which you do or your acquaintances do, it never sounds as a condemnation, a negative message. The master’s words induce the thinking and the evolvement, while they don’t compare you and some ideal stencil. Whereas the condemnation strikes the root, it penetrates the subconsciousness and it ruins the human.

One human didn’t manage to succeed in life by any means, furthermore, the symptoms of peptic ulcer disease began to torment him. He addressed some of his masters with the request to help him to solve his problems.  But their recommendations seemed to be impracticable, while the words about the hypothesis that it is worth to look inward of oneself, to change the attitude towards the world, towards the thoughts and deeds, they sparked protests.  The human considered him(her)self to be a mature personality, in whom everything is fine and harmonious, he was simply unlucky in realty, he meets the wrong people, while the masters simply live in some ideal world, they don’t understand his problems. And in any case, if they consider, that he needs to change, then and there it means, that there is something wrong about their own selves! This negative message was returning to him, unearthing the form of disease.   

When we condemn the other human, we ascribe our traits to him (her) ourselves, without being conscious of that. By holding a mental dialogue with an interlocutor, we communicate with an image, created in the subconsciousness. While relishing a meeting with the master, we war-game the possible blueprints of a conversation, sometimes setting our minds on a self-defence needlessly. And any words, said at us, will be hued with our emotions and expectations!          

There are no bad and good people – we’re simply different. While we make other people villains and ideal creatures ourselves, with our thoughts. Indeed each human creates his (her) world independently, attracting certain people and situations with our thoughts and attitudes. When a human is in good mood and when he (she) has luminous thoughts, he (she) sees more benevolent people around - it is a law. While if we condemn someone, then even we ourselves turn into a dispraise. No, we turn into a dispraise not of the human, towards whom we allow ourselves a negative, while we personify our own perceptions about this «offender» in ourselves.    

Both the criticism and the condemnation have a positive primordial intention, the people criticize each other or they condemn each other, hoping, that they will straighten, and the world will become better. But the criticism is advisory rather than mandatory, and the correct criticism – is simply a constructive suggestion, while the condemnation is generated by the egoism and by the pride.

The way the condemnation works

By condemning a person, we initiate the programme of his (her) annihilation. No, we do it unintentionally, but we can’t evade it. The one, who oscillates the negative thoughts, is the one who sends a non-verbal message to their object: «I want you to be gone! Im not satisfied with you!»    
And this «dispatch» returns to the sender, in the form of a responsive aggression. Usually it is an unpleasant situation or a disease, the proper one, or the one of the most intimate people. And the less the human, on whom the condemnation is focused, deserved it, the more spiritual he is, the heavier are the responsive damages.   

The mechanism is as follows: a human condemns a spiritual master, thereby a human sends him (her) a negative impulse. This energy attack reaches the addressee, but there are no similar thoughts, inducements and negative in his (her) field. And the sent annihilation’s programme has nothing «to gain foothold» on, nothing attracts it! It gets pushed off from the master’s field and it returns to the human, who generated it.       

The aggression returns not only to the human, who sent it, but it also returns to his (her) children, they have to answer for the thoughts of their parents. The grown-ups bear responsibility for the children.  
The people, who became accustomed to discuss everyone, to judge the humanity to be flawed and sinful, to hate the spiritual masters, they make their children inviable, since the annihilation’s programme of humanity returns to them!     
This principle is formulated clearly in The Gospel of Matthew: «…Inasmuch as the judicature, with which you judge, is the one you’ll be judged with; and the measure you measure with, is the one you’ll be measured with».

The space laws are as follows: any of our thoughts work.  The good ones – work for us, the bad ones – work against us.  
The negative thoughts, impounded into the subconsciousness, operate slowly but unavoidably, causing major illnesses, such as alcoholism, drug dependency, oncology – the things, which invade the soul and the body.  Curiously enough, the subconscious devastation programme is blocked in such a frightful way. That is, a human doesn’t die, but he (she) falls ill. It is necessary to change one’s thoughts, in order to get cured.

It is necessary to understand therefore: we have no right to condemn the other people. Take the words of spiritual masters to the heart: have you heard them condemn this world for the imperfection? Or, vice versa, have you tried to help? Have you talked about the fact that the humanity degenerates, the good people are scarcely left? Or vice versa, have they seen the upsides of the soul in you, which they helped you to develop tooth and nail?
Come to think of it, why is it so?
Indeed, the spiritual people can also clearly see, what happens on the planet, they live in the same society as the rest of the people. But they don’t want to ruin this world, they wish humanity no ill. The strong energy potential – is an enormous responsibility as well, the strengths should be spent only on the noble causes.   

The spiritual advisor is energetically well-balanced and therefore he (she) has a powerful protection shield, which wards the aggression off from without. When he or the master is condemned, it hurts him (her),  but this pain is caused by the realization of the fact, that the negative will return  the person, who sent it, and the human will suffer because of his (her) thoughts.    

If you’ve grasped a wish to condemn others by yourself, especially a wish to condemn your spiritual advisors or a master - it is a motive to give thoughts, to sort the things out in the proper world, to address the master for a piece of advice, upon telling honestly, what was causing negative thoughts. When the soulful balance will be restored, there’ll be no need to condemn anyone. I highly recommend you to perform a practice SHMMG and VS each day for the restoration of a soulful balance.


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