Where Love Goes? Lilelle Alma


     During the lecture, Shakuntali touched on a very important topic: "Where does the love go?" she wrote on a blackboard with chalk. The audience was eagerly awaiting  her explanation for each of them had had problems connecting with love.
"All of you have either read about or heard of eternal love," Shakuntali began, speaking in her charming voice, "and we don't see many examples of this. We will study this topic to find clarity and a better understanding of it. How can one reach this love? Or is it impossible? Nature put the reproductive instinct into a human, which it is often confused with the concept of 'love'. Lust is its most primitive manifestation. Energy accumulates in the sexual center and the person wants to have sex. And even if people aren't compatible they may have intimacy. And by doing this a man simply wants to get relief, and a woman thinks what the sick society has taught her: “age and wedlock tames man and beast”, “beauty is only skin-deep”, “my biological clock is ticking”, “it's time to have children” and so on. But it doesn't lead to anything good in the end."

    Some women listening to this began weeping, remembering their negative experiences.

"The sexual center is a much more delicate instrument, it is meant not only for reproduction, but during puberty a person acquires creativity, a drive for knowledge and even religious ecstasy. Raising Kundalini and mastering the subtle energy will not be covered in our lecture.  We will focus on passion or infatuation, for it is through these feelings that the sexual center signals that a person has found the right partner, for it can decide better than we can what we need, what type of a partner suits us. This can only occur  among primitive tribes who are free from lies and the difficulty of people knowing each other too well. Since  humans wear so  many masks, a person may be deceived by them. She has an imposed image of what her partner should look like, for instance that he shouldn't be married, shouldn't be a relative, should belong to the same caste or have a certain behavior. It often happens that being jealous of a bright personality or a friend causes a woman to feel a sort of passion. And after coming closer together and getting to know each other, people notice the passion has disappeared. It happens because it was a false passion. A man will imitate passion in order to seduce a woman. He will give flowers, reads somebody else's poems, trying to deceive the woman and  use her. And as soon as she will ask him for help, he starts to weasel out, saying that he’s too busy or having financial difficulties."
    Alice remembered how Arthur, a financially pressed student, gave up his most valuable possessions to buy her jewelry, and she gave him a knowing look with the pride of a woman who  sees  that she did not made a mistake in choosing him. Shakuntali had advised her well that she had to choose her partner. Her intuition did not let her down as it had in the past, when she would wait for a man to choose  her. There was one failure after another. She made herself accept those who pursued her, thinking that she didn't understand anything and that love would come later.

"It also happens that a woman will trick a man, pretending to be very chic, but the moment she thinks she's has his heart, she relaxes. She stops putting on  makeup or attractive clothes, which causes repulsion in him and kills their relationship."

Alice looked into a small mirror and decided she would always look her best to keep Arthur’s interest.

"A young person’s passion and infatuation are very important, they make the body younger, and the person blossoms. She discovers creativity in herself and even exceptional abilities, a contact with God. That's why one should try to remain in this state as long as possible, and not let it subside. Even if a person doesn't have a partner, he should look for his ideal to be in this divine state. One shouldn't try to settle everything quickly and have a routine family life. You should not follow stereotypes or the thought patterns of others, where passion turns to depression or jealousy and other forms of suffering. It must be given a religious touch, become uplifted and  idealistic, focusing not on selfishness and possessiveness but on serving one's ideal. Besides, passion is a field of energy occurring between the poles. If you take away the distance between people, the field will lose its charge that same moment. If there is some distance between them, then attraction of sexes will increase. This was the way ancient people lived: they had a male and female spaces, even poor people. They tried not to interact with each other without a reason, to keep distance - it helped to preserve passion. Even boys and girls studied and lived separately since constant routine interaction makes relationships dull, and the flame dies out. There's a saying that  illustrates  this: “Meet your good friends not very often”. To keep the meetings new and bright people should prepare for it, fill themselves with positive impressions, to make the meeting a real festivity.”

    Alice fell into a muse: "Arthur often travels, he runs a business. I should also find something that will fill me with new impressions, so that I'll be able to share something with him when we are together. I will help more in our school with creating the Field of Love, so I'll have something to tell Arthur about when we meet."

    "However, no matter how strong the passion is, it also has its limits. It's connected with the physiology of reproduction as well. In men it may finish quickly, since his natural task is to inseminate as many women as possible. For women it lasts longer, but also has a limit, due to the fact that she needs a man while she's carrying and feeding a child. It all disappears after several years, but people stay together because of social molds, that say they must salvage a marriage, live for the children, that they are not young anymore, it's too late to change anything, and other attitudes. But it all shows that these people haven't found a true love, which lies in the emotional center and doesn't depend on sex. Even elderly people can have affection for each other and strong devotion. It is this eternal love that survives even into the world of the dead and passes into the next incarnation. Of course, it often happens that people don't meet each other at once in their next incarnation. It may occur in the middle age that this feeling from the past sparks between them, and this kind of feeling is a great gift. It happens only to people with a great heart, those who are kind, sympathetic and buoyant. It will hardly arise in a callous egoist full of negative emotions. What's more, to attain such a love people must be like-minded. ”
    Alice looked at Arthur and thought: "It's so good that we met at Shakuntali 's classes and we share the same worldview. Now as we are developing together, our connection becomes even stronger".

"All in all, when people start to live together, the emotional center plays the main role and they interact using it. There's one more saying: "We don't get along,” Shakuntali explained. "If people bicker and squabble all the time, have petty quarrels, are jealous, then it means that their emotional centers do not match each other and they should break up as to not torment each other. They shouldn't turn their life into hell, depriving themselves of a chance to find their true love. Besides, they must remember that love doesn't fit into social molds, which may change with the time and be different in various nations. For example, in the East they have polygamy, and a man may love several women equally. A man may be very emotional and prone to casual relationships, but it doesn't mean that he cannot love. Very often he takes only one woman seriously and just whiles away his time with the others, and you shouldn't make a scene, or try to change him according to the social mold. You can just accept his nature if he suits you in other aspects and demonstrates his steady love to you. At times this nature is also present in women. That's why we should remember that a true love isn't connected with sex; it is the emotional center's domain. And scandals, quarrels, the desire to have everything according to the social mold just destroy it. It is like trading love for social and financial convenience: there are no feelings anymore, but people continue living according to the social norm, calmly and peacefully. And  it is the peace of the grave, which doesn't give true happiness.”

    Alice thought, looking at Arthur, whether she would be able to put up with the fact of him seeing other women. Somewhere, deep inside her soul she got the answer: "Yes", as she felt that he was her ideal partner and she didn't want to split up with him, not for the world. However, another part of her, infected by the social mold, protested that it was wrong. It said that she'd have to quarrel and squabble, throw tantrums as she had seen her parents do and had seen  in  movies, trying to change Arthur by any means or break up with him. Just thinking about this made her upset and tears ran from her eyes.

"What's wrong with you, my love?" Arthur asked.

"Everything is ok, I was just thinking about sad things," Alice answered wiping away her tears. And at that same moment she realized that this social mold was created to break people's lives, to torment them even when nothing bad was going on. That 90% of all suffering stemmed from images of what could happen, what if etc. That this destructive mold had to be changed, and this  deformed imagination, that was created by the demons to feed on the energy of people's suffering had to be restricted. At the same time, she felt how strongly this mold was connected to her, that it wouldn't be easy to destroy it and live happily and freely, taking life for what it was, as God created it. That the existence of this mold encompassed all the evil, all the suffering of humanity, where people torture each other every day to fit the mold imposed on them by someone else. How they enthusiastically pushed their children, loved ones, relatives and friends into this pattern, making them suffer too. Only a demon could invent this cunning method of suffering, when a man was injuring himself to meet the latest standard of the society and injuring others thinking that he's doing the right thing. Like swaddling the child when he wanted to move about, overfeeding her and thus destroying her health and when the child's body resists  this, breaking his natural rhythm of living; putting him to sleep when he didn’t feel like sleeping; depriving her of walking and communication with her peers in favor of school learning, allowing him to suffer in the pursuit of a perfect school grade which nobody really needs, instead of letting him enjoy his life and doing things with the talent God gave her.
   In this way the damage grows and grows, and the person keeps on leading an unnatural life, is suffering and is unable to understand where all the miseries come from, why life's so hard. And all this is due to the fact that he is a slave living not by what God gave him, but according to the insanity imposed on her by the sick society. And he will never be happy until he breaks free from the lunacy of sticking to the molds and stereotypes. And it's impossible to break free without spiritual development.

  After the lecture, when Arthur and Alice went outside, she told him, "Now I see why my Dad's become an alcoholic and my mum is always depressed and keeps taking tranquilizers. They were killed by the social matrix. Dad wanted to be an artist, and Mum a ballet dancer, but they were convinced that it was not real, that they had to do some hard, manual work. One day when they were drunk they had a quickie and Mum got pregnant and though she was in love with another man, and Dad loved somebody else too. They were convinced that they had to get married to have a baby. And so they carry on living like this: two unhappy people, drowning their misery in vodka and drugs.
  "Yes," Arthur said, "I used to have this desire to get completely drunk when I was preparing for my exams because it was hard and I didn't want to do it. I saw that it was absolutely meaningless. I wanted to come into the college drunk and spit it in the college President's face, but I realized that it wouldn't solve the problem."

"Yes, drug and alcohol addiction, as well as paranoia, are the reactions of people who feel that they are being turned into slaves. They seek a way out of this slavery, but do not understand where it comes from".


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