
Showing posts from September, 2017

The Womb Cleanse

“The Womb Cleanse” is one of the most effective practices devised for the support and maintenance of a woman’s health and her energetic balance. As a physiological organ, the uterus is a source of power and natural energy for the woman, her partner and her family. One of the functions of the womb is to clean her partner’s negative energy during sexual intercourse. This organ also contains all of the genetic code of the lineage, which is passed down to the fetus while it is developing in the womb. There are many factors in the life of the modern woman that affect the functionality and health of her womb. A large number of sexual partners, the increased aggressiveness of men, unhealthy ecological conditions and many stress factors contribute to polluting the uterus. In result, many uterine complications occur – UTI infections, cysts, inflammation, myomas, cancer growths, etc. Financial losses can also be attributed to a “polluted” uterus because...

The autumn equinox - to open of abundance and prosperity for you

The autumn equinox is a time of completion. It is also a time of understanding our long-term plans, a time for praising the gods for their generosity in the past year, and a time for making wishes for the year to come. The seeds of the ideas that we will plant now, with the fortification of time, will come to fruition in the spring. Traditionally, Mysteries and rituals were performed on this day to increase the well-being of a person. The Autumn Equinox is a day to worship - Svetoveet - the God of the of autumnal Sun - the source of wealth, luck and happiness for people. This point in the Wheel of the Year symbolizes the balance between the spiritual life of person and the world around them. It is believed that a great insight or instruction can descend upon a person during this period, which will solve all their problems. At this time, it is important to give up old habits that interfere with your development and success. This allows new inspirational ideas to enter ...

Осеннее равноденствие - время притяжения благополучия и процветания

Осеннее   равноденствие  - время завершения дел, подведения итогов и долгосрочного планирования и славить богов за щедрость прошедшего года, загадывать желания на новый год. Семена идей, которые мы сейчас посадим, укрепившись за время, взойдут  весной. Традиционно в этот день устраивались мистерии, совершались обряды на приумножение благополучия человека, так как  Осеннее равноденствие  – день почитания Световита - Бога осеннего Солнца – источника богатства, удачи и счастья для человека. Эта точка в Колесе Года символизируют баланс между духовной жизнью человека и окружающим его миром, считается, что на человека в  этот период может снизойти великое озарение или наставление, которое решит все его проблемы. В это время важно отказаться от старых привычек, мешающих вашему развитию и успеху, чтоб впустить в свою жизнь новые вдохновляющие идеи, чтобы привлечь новую энергию для внутреннего обновления и прийти к гармонии и процветанию. Для ...

Droplet of Goodness. Charity with Lilelle Alma

We invite each of you to be a part of  meditation  "Field of Love" the international project "Droplet of Goodness" –  in order to transfer to your droplets of water your bright goals, prayers and send it to the ocean. This droplet will dissolve in the ocean and fill it with light, love, compassion, prayer. And since all the world's oceans are connected - this light of love will spread very quickly to the whole world. We will create a single "Field of Love" on our planet Earth! "Field of Love" is creating a comfortable psychological atmosphere around people, children, families. It is proved that water has memory due to the formation of hydrogen bonds between its molecules. Water remembers and transmits information, water is a carrier of information. So, any pronounced warm word, a good wish near the source of water - can transmit through the water a positive influence on the entire planet. So let's get together and charge the water wit...

Female Energy Purification and Womb Cleansing with Lilelle Alma

Modern woman loses a lot of energy and live under the stress. No time for herself and family. Suffers from migraines, depression, panic attacks. This leads to early aging, early menopause, infertility and loneliness. That was caused because she has no knowledge how to purify and balance her feminine energy “The Womb Cleanse” is one of the most effective practices devised for the support and maintenance of a woman’s health and her energetic balance. As a physiological organ, the uterus is a great source of power and natural energy for the woman, her partner and her family. One of the functions of the womb is to clean her partner’s negative energy during sexual intercourse. This organ also contains all of the genetic code of the lineage, which is passed down to the fetus while it is developing in the womb. There are many factors in the life of the modern woman that affect the functionality and health of her womb. A large number of sexual partners, the increased aggressiveness o...

МИЛОСЕРДИЕ и СОСТРАДАНИЕ! Пришло время объединяться в молитве и любви!

Милость сердца - что это такое? Это когда видишь тех, кто жив, Но лишь телом. А душа от горя, Кровоточит, плачет и дрожит. Когда видишь их пустые взгляды, Когда сжалось сердце у тебя. Знаю - больше нет такой награды, Сострадать и помогать, любя. Милосердие к другим лишь проявляя, Становиться истинной самой. Бренный мир - на веру не меняя, Станем все мы чистою душой, Что от боли за других стремится, Сделать шаг навстречу, поддержать, Руку дать и раненую птицу Снова милосердьем напитать. Чтоб слова найти, когда в страданье Старики оставлены на смерть, Получая слово состраданья, Захотели жить, смеяться, петь. Когда видя инвалидов детства Иль с рожденья муки претерпев, От речей твоих могла согреться Их душа. И, духом осмелев, Тело побежало и окрепло, Светом вдруг наполнились глаза... Мы же люди! Проявите милосердье! По-другому нам уже нельзя. Этот мир нуждается в спа...

Lilelle Alma: Как на Руси отмечали день осеннего равноденствия

В Древней Руси этот праздник получил достаточно широкое распространение. В этот день хозяйки готовили всевозможные кушанья, пекли пироги, а само празднество сопровождалось танцами, пением и гуляньями. Дети украшали дома веточками рябины. Наши предки верили в защитные свойства этого дерева. По поверьям, плоды рябины защищают от бед, несчастий и нечисти, уберегают человека от бессонницы, насылаемой темными силами. По погоде, согласно народной примете, в период осеннего равноденствия можно говорить обо всей осени в целом. Если погода выдастся теплая и сухая, то зима в этом году наступит поздно. Осеннее равноденствие – уникальный временной коридор для того, чтобы сформировать запас благополучия и изобилия на год грядущий. В это время важно подвести итоги и выразить благодарность богам за материальные блага. А также провести особые древние ритуалы на привлечение богатства и изобилия на весь год. 

Womans Hair In Slavic History And Tradition

In the end it was not even just Slavic or Muslim women that covered their hair but in fact many cultures over the world had similar traditions and different superstitions regarding women’s uncovered head. Slavs also believed that by uncovering hair wife could cause damage to their families crop farming. In particular, in the Russian Cherepovets district a married woman could not go out into the yard without a scarf on the head. On the other side Goral Poles believed that bareheaded woman would be eaten by the wolf, probably another superstition. Slavic women were also banned to walk with uncovered hair during a storm – because a thunder would strike and kill them. The Bulgarians in the Rhodopes, near Zlatograd, believed that a woman’s hair after her death would turn into snakes. But at the same time loose hair, on the contrary, in some areas could serve as a favorable factor for obtaining a good result in some activities. Fo...

Lilelle Alma: Traditional Slavic and Russian Superstitions

Slavs today still have many superstitions that people unconscionably practice, more as a cultural trait, however little do they know that most of these acts come from some long forgotten pagan practices of our people. In this case we chose a list of Russian superstitions and traditional acts that are still commonly practiced by their population, especially rural folk. Some of them range from funny to extremely weird and it  should be noted many of these practices can be found in other Slavic countries too! Many of these listed Russian superstitions have deep roots in Slavic mythology   (paganism), practiced by the Slavs before Christianity. List of superstitions :  Before leaving for a long journey, travelers and all those who are seeing them off, must sit for a moment in silence before leaving the house. It is often conveniently written off as a time to sit and think of anything one may have forgotten. Knocking on wood is practiced in Russia as in ...