The autumn equinox - to open of abundance and prosperity for you

The autumn equinox is a time of completion. It is also a time of understanding our long-term plans, a time for praising the gods for their generosity in the past year, and a time for making wishes for the year to come. The seeds of the ideas that we will plant now, with the fortification of time, will come to fruition in the spring.
Traditionally, Mysteries and rituals were performed on this day to increase the well-being of a person. The Autumn Equinox is a day to worship - Svetoveet - the God of the of autumnal Sun - the source of wealth, luck and happiness for people.
This point in the Wheel of the Year symbolizes the balance between the spiritual life of person and the world around them. It is believed that a great insight or instruction can descend upon a person during this period, which will solve all their problems.
At this time, it is important to give up old habits that interfere with your development and success. This allows new inspirational ideas to enter your life in order to attract energy for internal renewal and for harmony and prosperity as well.

For this reason, we will do a special shamanic ritual at  the Place of Power - Mount Shasta - on the Autumn equinox, to open the portal of abundance and prosperity for you.

And for those who cannot be physically with us at the retreat, this is the shamanic knowledge you will need know  to properly lay the program of luck and well-being for the whole year:

Make a special ritual on -

September 22 at 12:02 pm California time
September 22 at 01:02 pm Colorado time
September 22 at 03:02 pm New York time

1) Prepare a space so that no one will distract you. Prepare a sheet of paper and a pen (or colored pencils, markers, paints, etc.)

2) Turn on the music of transformation 

3) Put in front of you a portrait of the Great Shaman, so that he will help you in this practice.

4) Close your eyes and start making a review of your results, the "fruits of life", that you have today. Remember your goals and desires for this year. What did you dream about? What did you want to achieve? What percent of your goals and desires did you accomplish? 100%?  50%?

Now realize that you were hindered, what were the tests, what distracted you from the goal? How often did you remember your goal? Everyday? Several times a day? Once a week...?

How high were my goals? How did my wishes help others? How did they help me to develop?

5) After you have made such an internal review, think about your goal for this year. Maybe you would change your goal.

6) See yourself when you have reached your goal. What will be your mood? What expression? What will you be wearing? Who will surround you?

7) Now turn to the Sun, reach your hands up over your head and open them. Ask the Sun to sanctify your goal, your way. See how the light of the Sun dissolves all obstacles and trials. New opportunities are now attracted to the world, as well as good people, and gifts from the universe.

8) Inhale, and open your eyes with an exhalation. If you want to dance or laugh - do so with joy and ease. And then take your sheet of paper and draw the state of happiness that you will experience when you reach your high goal. Imagine everything that you are feeling, and just let your hands go, allowing the creative flow to open.

9) At the end, sing 3 times the name of the God of the autumn sun - Svetoveet

10) Next, this paper with your drawing should be brought  to the place of power in nature that is close to you: for example, to a mountain, or to the coast, or to a forest. You can place it under a beautiful strong tree in the forest and cover it with a stone. Turn to the spirits of the terrain of this place, and ask that they will help you reach your high goal.

On this day it is also favorable to gather with friends and family to celebrate the equinox and to be thankful for a rich harvest. Bring fruits and food characteristic of this time of year, and drinks (not alcohol).
It is an opportunity to be generous and feel the power of generosity. Ask everyone to bring something they would like to share. This can not only be food, but also the fruits of their creativity. It can be what symbolizes each person's harvest.
Do not be afraid to talk about your achievements to each other and celebrate them together.
You should be proud of what you have achieved! This will help others to do the same.
Give thanks for the abundance of food, friendship and community. Gratitude opens our hearts and helps a positive flow of love and joy to illuminate our lives.


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