Lilelle Alma: Traditional Slavic and Russian Superstitions

Slavs today still have many superstitions that people unconscionably practice, more as a cultural trait, however little do they know that most of these acts come from some long forgotten pagan practices of our people. In this case we chose a list of Russian superstitions and traditional acts that are still commonly practiced by their population, especially rural folk. Some of them range from funny to extremely weird and it  should be noted many of these practices can be found in other Slavic countries too! Many of these listed Russian superstitions have deep roots in Slavic mythology (paganism), practiced by the Slavs before Christianity.
List of superstitions
  • Before leaving for a long journey, travelers and all those who are seeing them off, must sit for a moment in silence before leaving the house. It is often conveniently written off as a time to sit and think of anything one may have forgotten.
  • Knocking on wood is practiced in Russia as in other countries. However Russians tend to add a symbolic three spits over one’s left shoulder (or simply with the head turned to the left), and Russians will often knock three times as well. Traditionally one was spitting on the devil (who is always on the left).
  • Breaking a mirror is considered bad luck in Russia, as is looking at one’s reflection in a broken mirror, but the effect is also more severe than 7 years of bad luck (as in American culture).
  • On examination day, it is bad luck to make your bed, wear anything new, or cut your fingernails.
  • If one person accidentally steps on another person’s foot, it is common for the person who was stepped on to lightly step on the foot of the person who stepped first. It is said that they thus avoid a future conflict.
  • Birthday parties should be celebrated on or after one’s birthday, not before. So when one’s birthday falls during the week, it’s best to celebrate the following weekend. And never give someone birthday wishes before their birthday.
  • Talking about future success, especially boasting about it, is considered bad luck. It is considered better to be silent until the success has been achieved or to even sound pessimistic.
  • Returning home for forgotten things is a bad omen. It is better to leave it behind, but if returning is necessary, one should look in the mirror before leaving the house again. Otherwise the journey will be bad.
  • Many Russians consider giving gifts of sharp objects, like knives or scissors, to be taboo. This taboo may be avoided by the donor taking a symbolic payment, for example one Russian ruble, in exchange as if it is a trade, not a gift.
  • Birds that land on a windowsill should be chased away. If they tap on the window, or fly into it (open or closed) it is considered a very bad omen (often of death).
  • If a chicken crows at you three times before noon, the death of a close family member can be expected within a fortnight. The chicken should be killed, but not eaten, as consuming it will bring about further misfortune.
  • Things bought for a newborn baby (such as clothes, toys, furniture, etc.) should only be purchased after the baby is born. This is usually done in a big hurry.
  • It is often considered taboo to step over people, or parts of their body, who are on the ground. It is often said that it will prevent the person from growing (if they are not fully grown already). It is better to politely ask the person to move or to find a way around them. If one accidentally steps over a person (or people), it is sometimes standard to step backwards over them.
  • Unmarried people should not sit at the corner of the table. Otherwise they will not marry. This mostly applies to girls, and often only young girls. Sometimes it is said that the affected individual will not marry for 7 years, making it all right for young children to sit there.
  • A woman with empty water buckets coming towards you is considered a bad omen.
  • One is to never lick food off a knife. Doing so will make you a cruel person.
  • Whistling in a house would bring misfortune to that household.
  • It is considered taboo to give something that is broken or has a defect as a gift.
  • Before one takes an exam, someone else would say, “ни пуха ни пера!” which roughly translates to “neither fur, nor feather!” which means good luck. To this, the one taking the exam would reply, “К чёрту!” which means, “Go to the Devil!” or “To the Devil!” which is a way of securing good luck.


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