
Showing posts from 2018

Lilelle Alma in Mexico 2018

MEXICO 21.11.2018 15:00 Free meeting 22.11.2018 14:00 Interview 16:00 Interview 18:20 Interview 20:00 Free meeting 23.11.2018 Individual sessions 19:00-21:00 Workshop 24.11.2018 10:00 Happy morning practices 17:00 Workshop 25.11.2018 10:00 Free blessing 15:00 - 19:00 Workshop 26.11.2018 10:30 Free Blessing Individual sessions 17:30 - 21:00 Workshop 27.11.2018 Individual sessions QUERETARO 28.11.2018 11:00 Blessing of the family 12:00 Ritual 18:00-21:00 Workshop 29.11.2018 Individual sessions GUADALAJARA 30.11.2018 Interview 10:00 Presentation 12:00  Workshop 19:00 Workshop  01.12.2018 9:30 Happy Morning  practices 12:00 Workshop 19:00 Workshop  02.12.2018 Workshop  03.12.2018 Individual sessions 04.12.2018 Individual sessions LEON 05.12.2018 Workshop  06.12.2018 Individual sessions SAN LUIS POTOSI 07.12.2018 Interviews Free blessing Workshop 08.12.2018 9:00 Happy morning 10:00 Workshop 16:00 Workshop 09.12.2018 Individual ses...

Lilelle отвечает: Что важнее внутренняя красота или внешняя?

Внешняя красота говорит о нашем здоровье! Здоровая женщина считается красивой.  А о внутренней красоте говорит наша способность любить!  ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Когда в женщине соединяется красота и любовь, она становится Богиней 💞 Потому что влюбленный человек — красив, он светится счастьем и душевным теплом, он способен обнять весь мир и броситься на помощь кому угодно  🤗 Нас наполняет любовью к детям, к родным, к друзьям, но сильнее всего нас меняет любовь к совершенно посторонним людям (детям, больным, старикам), и не только к людям, но и ко всем живым существам. Помогая другим, ты делаешь их красивыми и становишься красивой сама. Ты становишься для своего мужчины богиней, а не обычной женщиной  ✨ Как помочь людям? С чего начать? Можно приглашать их на занятия, становясь ангелом света в твоем городе, помоги людям изменить их судьбу к лучшему. ❤️  Люди ждут тебя!


CIRCLE HEALING PRAYER CEREMONY WITH SIBERIAN SHAMANS ABOUT THE CEREMONY The Circle Healing Prayer Ceremony for Peace on Earth is a one of a kind technique for group meditative prayer practice rooted in ancient Slavic wisdom. Guided by two Siberian Shamans, the ceremony is a hugely successful, unique approach to unlocking the potential of our Consciousness for Healing and Self Development. As a special gift, the workshop will start with a meditative journeying to the magical places of subconscious world through integration of sound vibration of shamanic music instruments. ABOUT LILELLE ALMA Lilelle is a  Priestess of Slavic shamanism , and founder of the international charity movement,  Circle Healing Prayer. Lilelle teaches seminars and does charity events throughout North/South America, Western/Eastern Europe and Asia.  For the last 10 years she has been using GUYD hypnotherapy and powerful teachings from the Siberian Shamanism t...

Lilelle answer: What do you think is more important: inner beauty or outer beauty?

What do you think is more important: inner beauty or outer beauty?  🌷 Outer beauty explain about our health! A healthy woman is considered beautiful. And our ability to love tell us about inner beauty!  ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ When beauty and love unite in a woman, she becomes a Goddess 💞 Because a man in love is handsome, he is shining with happiness and warmth, he is able to embrace the whole world and rush to help anyone We are filled with love for children, for relatives, for friends, but most of all love change us when we spread our love to people we don't know (children, sick, old people), and not only to people, but also to all living beings. By helping others, you make them beautiful and you become beautiful yourself. You become for your man a goddess, not an ordinary woman  ✨ How to help people? Where to begin? If you feel the call of your heart you can invite them to workshops with shamans, becoming an angel of light in your city, help people change th...

Sacred Womb Purification by Lilelle Alma

The Womb is a sacred organ that connects every woman with the Universe. While she is healthy, her creative energy flows freely. The woman is healthy, feels positive emotions, sees life with joy and hope, and her relationships and projects are successful. But when her Womb becomes energetically dirty, it can cause problems. For example: ☼ It does not provide enough energy in intimate relationships, which can affect the prosperity of a couple and success in their career ☼ During pregnancy, the Womb cannot provide a healthy body to the baby ☼ It can cause diseases such as fibroids, fibroids, polyps ... not only in the uterus but also in the ovaries and chest ☼ In addition, the lineage gets dirty (the baby receives the negative energy of all men who have ever entered the woman's Womb). The destiny of the woman becomes dirty with the emotional and karmic energy of her previous intimate relationships. Relationships can become destructive. Sacred Womb Purification can accelerat...

Lilelle Alma in London 2018

This is first visit Lilelle to the U.K. During Lilelle's visit we will have rituals for attracting:  - spirit of health - special ceremonies for harmonizing relationships - to open the flow of the financial stability Also, women workshops and retreats. Lilelle will be partisipating in Festivals in London and other cities. She will be intervieved by TV, Radio and magazines. Don't miss this oportunity to meet with Lilelle Book your individual session for deeper connection. Program: 5/11 Monday 7.30 - 9.30pm. A blessed evening "Dinner with Lilelle" Sound healing for stress relief. Secrets of a special cooking for your family to be healthy, wealthy, in love and harmonic relationships. 6/11 Introductory evening “THE HEALING POWER FROM YOUR ANCESTORS” «HARMONIC RELATIONSHIP. “HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS LIFE»    7/11 "WISDOM OF THE ANCESTORS “RITUAL TO OPEN A STABLE FINANCIAL FLOW” 8/11 Thursday 6.30 -9.30 MASTER CLASS only FOR WOMEN "5 C...

Should I make compliments to him?

Very often when a relationship seems to flow in a  harmonious way, but he does not introduce you to his parents neither gives you presents gifts that many times are signs that he is in love. How to make the relationship move to the next step? Let's first understand how a compliment works? When you make a compliment to a man the first thing he feels is relaxation. Men often live in stress whether at work or in any other place. Of course this refers to the successful and self-reliant people. If you are a woman who looks for self-development, investing time in yourself, in your beauty and spiritual development, then you deserve a successful companion who also takes some time to develop himself. So the compliments we will learn here are good only for those who are successful and worthy. In the next article read about the 5 types of compliments you may do to a man.

Por que elogiar um homem?

            Muitas vezes o relacionamento parece fluir com harmonia e o interesse um pelo outro cresce, porém ele não se apressa para te apresentar aos pais dele ou dar presentes que são sinais de que ele está apaixonado. Como fazer o relacionamento passar para a próxima etapa? Vamos primeiro compreender como um elogio funciona? Quando você faz um elogio   para um homem a primeira coisa que ele sente é relaxamento. Os homens com frequência vivem tensos no trabalho por conta do estresse e etc. É claro que isso se refere aos bem-sucedidos e autossuficientes. Se você é uma mulher que busca auto desenvolvimento, que investe tempo em si mesma, na sua beleza, seu desenvolvimento espiritual, então merece um companheiro bem-sucedido que, também, dedica algum tempo para se desenvolver. Portanto, os elogios que vamos aprender aqui são bons somente para os que são bem-sucedidos e dignos. No próximo artigo leia sobre os 5 tipos de elogios para faz...

La sacerdotisa Lilelle llega de Siberia

Lilelle Alma  al encuentro con las mujeres de Puebla; con esta región de nuestro México llena de historia y sabiduría ancestral. La sacerdotisa  Lilelle  llega de Siberia para conectar con el espíritu mágico y místico de la Bella Cholula. A través del contacto divino de su palabra, su gran devoción por llevar conocimiento y guia a la humanidad com el poder de la Oración. Ella podrá ayudarte a descubrir tu propia sabiduría interior. Su voz abre y llama para que despierten tus talentos ocultos, los dones y virtudes que tu  alma  guarda de experiencias pasadas...abre el camino de tu desarrollo espiritual. Conecta con esta fuente de poder tántrico... donde todas tus relaciones tendrán un propósito y serán una bendición para alcanzar bienestar en todos los aspectos de tu vida!!

Altai trip

Dear spiritual family, the life-time adventure for this year has come to an end keeping our connection with Altai Spirits forever in hearts.Though it is only the beginning for all of us. Thank you for your amazing hearts and love ❤ that were care in the day and were guiding light in the night. 15 countries have united in Love and in Spirit. Now all of you are back home to continue meeting each other in your circles and groups. I hope all of you will keep the most precious memory in your heart – connection with the circle of Enlightened Masters.  We have been one of the most inspired and loving family of all times during 8 days. And next year our family will grow bigger to meet in mysterious Kazakhstan that charm us with chants, spices and Sirius civilization land. Sirius magic giant stones, Sirius lake and Sirius mountains of Khazahstan will host international expedition in 2019 between July 26th  and August 2nd! Are you ready? Night fires, Altai starts, song...

Altai trip

Querida família espiritual, a aventura da vida para este ano chegou ao fim, mantendo a nossa conexão com os Espíritos Altai para sempre nos corações.🌎🐎🌲🌳🌈☀ Embora seja apenas o começo para todos nós. 🙏🙏🙏Obrigado por seus corações e amor incríveis ❤ que foram cuidados durante o dia e guiados pela luz durante a noite. 15 países se uniram em amor e em espírito. Agora, todos vocês voltaram para casa para continuarem se encontrando em seus círculos e grupos.🙏👭👫👬👭🙏 Espero que todos vocês guardem a memória mais preciosa em seu coração - a conexão com o círculo dos Mestres Iluminados. Nós estivemos em uma das mais inspiradas e amorosas famílias  de todos os tempos durante 8 dias. E no próximo ano nossa família crescerá para se encontrar no ...

Tips from Lelille Alma: 3 simple steps will help you to keep result after international trip

These 3 simple steps will help you to keep result after international trip. Step 1. Help others. Field of Love meditation, power circles in your city and taking care about the nature are blessed by Spirits of Altai. Step 2.Meditate with our online practices: http// This is very easy and effective meditations to keep the level and quality of energy that I channeled for you from the circles of Enlightened Masters. Do them morning or evening, or both, to protect yourself from negative influences, build road into the future for you plans and intentions and open abilities. Remember that energetically we are all connected with our ancestors and relatives. So when you are fullfilled with energy it helps your family and heals the ancestor line. Step 3.Learn more at our online university “Sansa” every week 20.00 Madrid time and read the wisdom in the books We wish you lots of love...

3 passos simples irão ajudar vc a manter o resultado após a viagem internacional

Estes 3 passos simples irão ajudar vc a manter o resultado após a viagem internacional. Etapa 1. Ajudar os outros. Campo de amor  meditation círculos de poder em sua cidade e cuidar da natureza são abençoados pelos espíritos de Altai. Etapa 2.Meditate com nossas práticas on-line Isto é muito fácil e eficaz meditações para manter o nível e a qualidade de energia que eu canalizei para você dos círculos dos Mestres Iluminados. Faça-os de manhã ou à noite, ou ambos, para se proteger de influências negativas, construir seu caminho para o futuro, para seus planos e suas intenções e abrir suas habilidades. Lembre-se de que, energeticamente, estamos todos conectados com nossos ancestrais e parentes. Então, quando você é preenchido com energia, ajuda sua família e cura a sua linhagem an...

Preparation for the trip to Altai with Lilelle Alma

From the geographic point of view the Altai Mountains are located in the center of Eurasian continent, far away from oceans, so lands heat up in summer and rapi dly cool in winter. Siberian anticyclone brings clear frosty weather with low temperatures. But mountain climate and steppe climate have specific features: the geography here is unique because the ridges form several types of climate and diverse micro-climates. That is to say you will have to think thoroughly over the items to take to the trip. To make it easier for you we already worked out a list of what to bring with you. Here it goes: 1. Comfortable hiking change of clothes, footwear, headgear designed for weather conditions from -5 to +35. Warm clothes: jacket, sweater, woolen socks, hat, gloves, light windproof jacket 2. A good raincoat (not polyethylene, it is recommended to buy in professional sports stores) 3. Yoga mat 4. Be sure to have: sunglasses, sunscreen with high SPF (mountain sun rays are quite active)...

Com gratidão da sacerdotisa Lilelle Alma

Querida família espiritual! Agradecemos a cada um de vocês pelos encontros inesquecíveis, por termos conhecido vocês e pela união dos nossos corações em orações, rituais e práticas xamânicas. Para nós cada vinda ao Brasil é sempre um encontro com as almas de luz, contato especial. Guardaremos para sempre na recordações do nosso coração a incrível beleza do Brasil, a beleza dos seus sorrisos e olhares brilhantes. Gratidão a todos quem veio ao retiro para o Solstício de inverno  em Curitiba. Foi simplesmente adorável. E somente graças a abertura e confiança de cada um de vocês conseguimos realizar um retiro espiritual tão poderoso. Agora estamos voltando para casa, para Altai e estaremos imersas no nosso próprio retiro espiritual. Lá encontraremos o nosso Mestre Grande Xamâ Branco para recebermos novos conhecimentos para ajudar as pessoas. E muito em breve em novembro a Lilelle virão ao Brasil novamente para passar novos conhecimentos, novo amor, energia, alegria e f...

SHAMAN LILELLE IN MÉXICO 15.08.18 – 13.10.18

MÉXICO 15.08 – 13.10 MÉXICO Ciudad de México 16.08.18 Presentación/Conferencia 18:30 – 21:00 17.08.18 Taller   18:30 – 21 :30 18.08.18 Taller    19.08.18 Taller    20.08.18 -21.08.18 Prácticas individuales 12:00 – 21:00 Ciudad de México 23.08.18 Presentación/Conferencia 18:30 – 21:00 24.08.18 Taller    18:30 – 21 :30 25.08.18 -26.08.18 Seminario   27.08.18 -28.08.18 Prácticas individuales  12:00 – 21:00 Apizaco, Tlaxcala 30.08.18 Presentación/Conferencia 18:30 – 21:00 31.08.18 Taller   18:30 – 21 :30 01.09.18 -02.09.18 Seminario   03.09.18 -04.09.18 Prácticas individuales  12:00 – 21:00 Tlaxcala,...