Preparation for the trip to Altai with Lilelle Alma

From the geographic point of view the Altai Mountains are located in the center of Eurasian continent, far away from oceans, so lands heat up in summer and rapidly cool in winter. Siberian anticyclone brings clear frosty weather with low temperatures. But mountain climate and steppe climate have specific features: the geography here is unique because the ridges form several types of climate and diverse micro-climates. That is to say you will have to think thoroughly over the items to take to the trip.
To make it easier for you we already worked out a list of what to bring with you. Here it goes:
1. Comfortable hiking change of clothes, footwear, headgear designed for weather conditions from -5 to +35. Warm clothes: jacket, sweater, woolen socks, hat, gloves, light windproof jacket
2. A good raincoat (not polyethylene, it is recommended to buy in professional sports stores)
3. Yoga mat
4. Be sure to have: sunglasses, sunscreen with high SPF (mountain sun rays are quite active), hat to protect you from the sun, oil rich cream and lip balm (both for men and women)
5. Footwear: two pairs of boots and a pair of slippers. NOTE: do NOT take new boots that you’ve just recently bought unless you want to rub feet
6. Insect repellent
7. Sticking plaster/adhesive bandage and personal first aid kit
8. Clothing for rituals around the fire (that can be burned)
9. Ritual clothing for shamanic practices
10. Shamanic musical instruments: guimbarde, tambourine, rattle
11. Bath and swimming accessories
12. Flashlight with spare batteries, sport mat
13. Camera, notebook, pen, water container of 1-1,5 litres (bottle or flask) and a thermos flask
14. Hiking travel backpack for all things (not a bag on wheels), small backpack for small hikes
Well done! But that’s not it…
As you know places of powerful energy, places of power are all over the world. But only in the Altai Mountains, they are everywhere. Each square meter of the land permeated by energetic flow, it keeps the memory of times and the people, the power of the stone, and the attraction of the sky. In the mountains, very little lands are suitable for life; everywhere – in the river valleys, mountain steppes, plateaus and highlands lived only strong and proud people, because the others are simply couldn't survive. And around all of that is sounded the triumphant symphony of nature: bass of mountain rivers, waterfalls, castanets of rolling down the slopes the stones, flutes of springs, violins of the crowns. That means that we will be visiting a place permeated by powerful energy.
That’s why we stick to one tradition: we take PHOTOS of people (our relatives, friends and beloved ones) who need our help to pray for them. So don’t waste your time and tell your close ones or share a post on a social net about this campaign. You may send the photo of a person in need here
Don’t forget to write his or her name, age, place of residence (city and country) and brief description of his/her problem.
We would like to remind you about our special blog that is constantly updated with new information about the place we're going to. So keep up!
You can find more about the activities during our tour on our site. It is translated in 5 languages so you will easily find the one you need and will read all the info in your language.
If you still have questions, please write to and we will be glad to answer them.


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