May Day ritual - At Midnight from Apr 30th to May 1st

To finish this ritual you need to do:

1. To create protection: to put magical object or shamanic amulet,
put salt and herbs (stinging nettle, mug worth, sage, lavender) along threshold
burn fire. Turn on the music of the Good influence.  
Ahead of time write down on what exactly you want to get rid of from your life.

2. light the candle and burn this paper and pronounce magical words 3x times
"As this fire is burning,
so all my miseries and unfortunates will burn
As the fire will stop,
The gate of bed luck and misfortune will be closed"

"Как горит этот огонь,
пусть горят все беды и несчастья
как потухнет этот огонь
закроются врата злого рока и ненастья"

The candle should burn till the end, while it's burning rub your hand .

3. Start magic of beautiful transformation:
Rub your hands, create energetic ball between the hands and wash your face , hair and whole body . Your will put energetic dress of youth, beauty and magnetism.

4. Dance of transformation and abundance:
Turn the music and start your dance attracting from Universe good luck, abundance , well being to your life. This power will heal you and your family linage .

5. Sing mantra to create powerful protection for the whole year ahead:


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