Schedule Lilelle in California, May 2016

Mountain View
Events at East West Bookstore
324 Castro Street
Mountain View, CA 94041

Thursday, May 19 - 7:30pm 
Shamanic Healing Miracles and Altered States of Consciousness. Come to experience healing power and destiny transformative practices from initiated masters of sacred, ancient wisdom.
• Free, but call to reserve a seat

Friday, May 20 7:30pm
Healing Miracles of Glass Walking at East West Bookstore• Free, but call to reserve a seat
Friday, May 20 6:30pm  
Shamanic Protection
Learn practices to protect your Aura and Physical body from external influences, emotional fluctuations and astrological aspects.

These practices will help you to be protected from stress, remain active, energized and balanced in mind, body and spirit so you can walk the path of mastery over your Soul destiny.

1st Morning Workshop - 11:30am-1pm
Modern Illness with Ancient Shamanic Wisdom

What are illnesses? Why do people get sick? How can we use shamanic practises to have better health and longevity, and to remove subconscious destructive programs from our lives? Lilelle Daoin will share the karmic reasons for illnesses and what we can do about them. She has a unique ability to unite souls and bodies in a balance that results in healing from all illnesses, even most difficult ones of our modern times. This workshop includes a “Gyud” shamanic healing session to guide you to the path of healing.

2nd Afternoon Workshop 3-5:30pm MAY 21
Harmony in Relationships: Masculine and Feminine Integration

Everyone wants to love and to be loved by a true soul-mate, so why is it so hard? How do our own inner masculine and feminine energies affect our relationships? Shaman Mahasiddha Nayadawill teach you how to attract your ideal partner, how to avoid mistakes in choosing a partner, and how to embody the ideal for your partner. You’ll be able to apply this knowledge throughout your life to attain balance and harmony in your relationships.

Sunday, May 22 10:00am-11:30pm
Happy Morning Ritual
Join us as we begin the day with a sacred practice to invigorate the body, mind, and spirit. Practices vary and can include Slavic yoga, dance, hiking, rituals, ceremonies, and teachings.
Experience this dynamic workshop in nature using the four elements to cleanse, rejuvenate and strengthen the entire body. Learn the essentials for a happy morning ritual that you can carry forward for the rest of your life!

Cuesta Park

Sunday, May 22 
Health Diagnostics and Healing Sessions through Ancient Shamanic Techniques
Private sessions with Healers.

San Francisco
Sunday, May 22 Shamanic Trance Dance - Spirit of Siberia 5:00pm-8:00pm
Join a special workshop with Slavic Healer to experience Shamanic Trance Dance for Consciousness Expansion followed by a guided Sound Healing Meditation and a Circle Healing Prayer for World Peace, Health and Harmony.
Trance is an ancient technique that allows expansion of our consciousness,opening of intuition and psychic powers for the realization of a Happy Soul Destiny.

Tuesday, May 24, 9:00am-10:00pm
Happy Morning Ritual 
Join us as we begin the day with a sacred practice to invigorate the body, mind, and spirit. Practices vary and can include Slavic yoga, dance, hiking, rituals, ceremonies, and teachings.
Experience this dynamic workshop in nature using the four elements to cleanse, rejuvenate and strengthen the entire body. Learn the essentials for a happy morning ritual that you can carry forward for the rest of your life!

Tuesday and Wednesday, May 24, 25
Health Diagnostics and Healing Sessions through Ancient Shamanic Techniques
Private sessions with Shaman

Festival Lightning in the Bottle
Thursday, 26 May -  Saturday, 28 May 


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