Modern Jedi - who are they?

In the middle of December 2015 there was the first screening of a new Star Wars episode which has long been anticipated by millions of fans of that legendary saga. The story of knights fighting the Evil and saving galaxies inspired people for dozens of years and the remarks of the main characters have become popular quotes. Those noble heroes have supernatural powers, but they use them for the good cause only. It deserves admiration, doesn't it? That's why for almost forty years children have been playing Jedi dreaming of becoming great warriors protecting the human race. Having grown up they sigh: 'What a pity our idols live in books and movies only!' Nevertheless, there are people in our world who deserve equal respect and admiration. And they are real. Those people are shamans. By the way, they can also be called Jedi and it's not a joke. Take a look.
First of all, they have special talents that allow them to know and to be able to do more than a regular person. There is a lot of evidence (including the recorded one) proving that the unique capabilities of shamans is not fiction.
Secondly, shamans also fight evil forces (although they do it without lightsabers) - they free people from diseases, fears, poverty, loneliness and so on. They heal souls and bodies helping their patients find the right way or correct their past mistakes. It has been vividly described in the book The Secrets of the Dead - a very informative and wise book. If you read it, you'll know what I'm talking about.
And although the power of Jedi that gives them supernatural skills is only fiction, the power of shamans is an objective reality. And you can easily see it yourself


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