Siberian shaman Lilelle in Sarasota and Miami, Florida Jul 1-5, 2016

Come to experience healing power and destiny changing practices from initiated masters of sacred, ancient wisdom.

Friday, July 1st 7:30 - 9 pm
Presentation by Lilelle - Introduction to Siberian Shamanism - Shamanic methods of healing.

Shamanism - is the foundation of all modern religions, science and mysticism. Many different forms of shamanism exist today on the planet. Studies of ancient cultures found the roots of Siberian shamanism in Australian, African, American, and even Tibetan shamanism and in many modern religions.
Shamanism - is a way of communication between people and nature. It has existed since the advent of the World, and event in our day it has not lost its relevance. Modern people are increasingly resorting to the help of shamans! After all, shamanism reveals secrets of the ancient art of healing, love and creates harmony, success, happiness and joy. Siberian shamans help people to find their hidden strengths, to master psychic powers, super abilities and thereby to heal themselves and to help all the people on Earth.
We will do two separate workshops on Saturday, two parts, the first part from 11:30am to 2pm, break from 2 to 3pm, the second part of the workshop from 3pm until 5:30pm

1st Morning Workshop - 10:30 am- 1:00 pm July 2nd
"The power of Ancestry Lineage - Family Health and Prosperity"

Cleansing of Individual Shamanic Ancestral Tree from misfortunes and negative karma. Shamanic ritual Blessing of the Goddess Umai for healing, luck and prosperity.
You will learn about Gods of the four worlds in Siberian shamanism. Connect with the Goddess Umai - the Goddess of Present, the Goddess of the material world and gain strength to achieve goals, generational healing and material well-being. Goddess Umai endowed human soul Kut. Kut - is the power of the human race, its genetic energy. You'll learn the reasons for the loss of life force, diseases in the family, as well as ways to strengthen the vitality of health, luck and opening of talents. Umai creates a strong field of protection for all family members.

2nd Afternoon Workshop 3-5:30 pm July 2nd
Modern Illness - Ancient Shamanic Wisdom

What are illnesses? Why do people get sick? How can we use shamanic practices to have better health and longevity, and to remove subconscious destructive programs from our lives? Lilelle Daoin will share the karmic reasons for illnesses and what we can do about them. She has a unique ability to unite souls and bodies in a balance that results in healing from all illnesses, even most difficult ones of our modern times. Learn why shamans have ability to handle stress and how to learn it.This workshop includes a “Gyud” shamanic healing session to guide you to the path of healing.

July 3 Lilelle will do private sessions
July 4 and 5 - Miami
July 4 and 5 Happy Morning Rituals on beach
July 5 - workshop TBA


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