Siberian shaman Lilelle in NY on June 2016

June 21

In this workshop, you will learn the reason for women's health issues, why is it important to know about them, how to protect yourself from women's health problems, according to slavic shamanism traditions.
Through a help of ancient shamanic practice, you will be able to learn how to heal from inflammation, cysts, polyps, myoms, etc.. As well as how to get help with issues in a relationship with your loved one.
Bonus! Women's practices to be done during the soltice. This will help to attract the new and get rid of the old.
Practice: Egg rolling
Please bring one raw chicken egg and a clear drinking glass.

June 22
Location: 231 Norman Ave, Brooklin 11222

Womb is the center of female power. This is the female part of you witch has its own memories, own mind and own feelings. It accumulates resentments, disappointments and rejections witch often show up as diseases of your female organs or as general lack of energy. Women that had a lot of sexual contacts feel energetic emptiness and constant lack of energy because they feed their old lovers with their power. Often woman doesn't even see her past partner but vibrant woman's power keeps leaking out of her to him. Even if it was only one night stand woman's power goes to that men and woman doesn't have anything left for herself, for her life, no power to inspire her husband, no power to create the harmony in the family, no power to attract the worthy partner, no power to have kids or to be healthy! The effects of this workshop can be extremely profound to help strengthen and purify our own feminine essence, and release past energies & energies that are not supportive.

This seminar is for you if:
· You feel that you are capable to do more than you are doing now
· You want to heal your female internal organs
· You want to be 5-7 years younger
· You want to find a worthy partner
· You want to create harmony and understanding with your current partner
· You want to clear and release past energetic ties to old lovers
· You want to conceive and give birth to a healthy child

June 27th 6-9 pm

Through Goddess Umai you can immerse yourself in those glorious times, when our ancestors lived happily in harmony with nature and got their healing stream from the Goddess Umai.
We will have a Circle healing prayer. This ceremony will help you to be filled with energy, gain health and good luck for all your doings. Help yourself, your relatives and all the planet.
Why the group meditation is so effective? A number of research studies have been done confirming the positive outcomes on the surrounding world resulting from a group of people having a meditation prayer practice. Results clearly show decreasing rates of crime, terrorism, suicides, car accidents, etc.
Bring a bottle of water and photos of people who need help.

June 28th 6-9 pm

In Slavic Shamanism, Goddess Umai is the Goddess of present and material world. By connecting to her, you will get the power to achieve your goals, get healing and material well-being. Umai protects families and women in particular by creating a strong energetic shield.
Practice: Shamanic ritual, blessing of the Goddess Umai for healing, good luck and prosperity.

Every disease comes from the subtle energy field. From the shamanic point of view the causes of the diseases in humans are different. Some occur due to weak Kut -
weak genetics, then the disease is inherited. Other diseases are the results of the influence of the evil spirits of disease. Also happens that the disease comes from the fact that a person has lost his/her soul, Sur. During the class you will learn the possible causes of diseases and ways of protection from evil spirits. Free yourself from the disease spirits, raise the level of your personal power and gain health.


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