
Showing posts from November, 2016

Lilelle Alma: Как можно помогать людям

Помогать людям , проявлять о них заботу должен стараться каждый человек в меру своих сил и возможностей. Вы можете стать волонтером, отдать вещи и продукты нуждающимся людям . Или вы спасете чью-то жизнь, сдав свою кровь. Итак, если вы хотите помочь людям, ощущаете порыв вашего сердца, но не знаете с чего начать, вот простые советы, которые помогут вам и многим людям: С любовью, Lilelle Alma 1. Вы можете стать добровольцем. Волонтерская помощь заключается в том, что вы в свое свободное время бесплатно помогаете людям . Вы можете навещать малышей в детских домах, помогать больным детям в больницах и интернатах, ухаживать за стариками в домах престарелых, оказать помощь одиноким людям и инвалидам. 2. Помогите нуждающимся людям одеждой, продуктами и другими необходимыми вещами. Например, отнесите ненужную, но в хорошем состоянии одежду в ближайший храм или пункт сбора вещей. 3. Вы можете сдать кровь на пунктах переливания крови. Подробнее узнайте о донорстве и о возм...

Lilelle Alma: How you can help people?

Everyone should try to help people , to show them care as much as possible. You can become a volunteer, give clothes and food to people in need. Or you can save someone's life by donating your blood. So, if you want to help people, feel the impulse of your heart, but do not know where to start, here are simple tips that will help you and many people: 1. You can become a volunteer. Volunteering means spending your free time helping other people for free. You can visit children in children's homes, help sick children in hospitals and orphanages, care for the elderly in nursing homes, help lonely people and people with disabilities. 2. Help people in need with clothes, food and other necessary items. For example, take unnecessary, but still good clothes to a nearby church or clothing bank. 3. You can donate blood at the point of blood transfusion. You can learn more about donation and possible contraindications on the Internet on the official websites of blood tr...

Assistance to nursing homes

It is often said that it is no fun to get old. In most cases, elderly people experience pain in the body from various diseases. Moreover, the elderly often feel «useless». Some of them are even rejected by their children. We together with a team of assistants went to one of the nursing homes «Dobrota» in Moscow to help old people not to feel lonely. During the visit, we gave gifts to each old man and woman: calendars, books, materials for handicrafts, sweets. In order to help everyone to have faith and feel the unconditional love of the Universe, we made the CHP meditation. Older women and men thanked us for helping, for circular meditation with tears of grace. Everyone felt much better, happier, stronger. And one woman after meditation even got out of the wheelchair and stood for a few minutes, although she had not done it for 10 years! And in the end, we had tea and I answered their questions, helping and supporting the faith in every person.

Помощь домам престарелых

Часто говорят:  «Старость – не радость». В большинстве случаев пожилые люди испытывают боли в теле от различных заболеваний. Более того, часто старики чувствуют себя «ненужными». От некоторых даже отказались дети. И для того, чтобы старики не чувствовали себя одинокими, я с командой помощников отправилась в один из домов престарелых «Доброта», г. Москва. Во время визита, каждому старику мы подарили подарки: календари, книги, материалы для рукоделий, сладости. Для того чтобы помочь каждому обрести веру и почувствовать Вселенскую безграничную любовь, мы совершили медитацию СНР. Со слезами благодати бабушки и дедушки благодарили нас за помощь, за круговую медитацию. Каждый отметил, что стал себя чувствовать на много лучшее, радостнее, появилось больше сил. А одна женщина после медитации даже встала с инвалидного кресла и простояла несколько минут, хотя этого она уже не делала 10 лет! А в завершении мы пили чай и я отвечала на вопросы, помогая и поддерживая веру в каждом...

Indo-Tibetan healing method – recovery stream

The Indo-Tibetan method brings energy that can gradually invigorate one’s body and also help in treatement of diseases. However, invigoration has it’s own speed and if a person is already close to death, his or her energy may fail to cure him or her for the lack of time. In case of a difficult, chronic illness recovery tends to take much time. It’s rapidness also depends on the state of the body. If one is young and quite healthy, the process of recovery will be fast. If not, its speed will slow down. Moreover, recovery speed depends on one’s lifestyle. If a person smokes, drinks alcohol, leads unhealthy way of life, all his energy will be spent on the purification of toxics from smoking, junk food and so on. On the contrary, healthy lifestyle contributes to recovery and cranks it up. The Indo-Tibetan method can be practiced along with taking remedies, if they are not very toxic. In this case the process of recovery will be even faster. It is essential to combine t...

Parable about God's Help and How to Help People

"...“Not everything that we would like to do is allowed to us. Sometimes God teaches people through pain. It ha ppens when they can’t understand in a different way. And it is wrong to allay such pain until God allows this!”..." “...There is the Great Silence! The Divine Wisdom and Power are acquired inside it. Staying in the love of your heart, you have already learned to enter this Silence! Here, inside it, it becomes clear to the soul that God always lives near us. God embraces us from all sides! God is everywhere: to the left and to the right, forward and backward, up and down — no matter how far we go! In each blade of grass, in every tree, in any bird, in each flower or fur-bearing animal, the life is maintained by the Power of God! Love of God dwells near each soul. It is only necessary to watch with attention! Everything and everyone are fed and washed by His Bliss and Caress!..."

KAOSHIKI – yogic dance

KAOSHIKI – yogic dance, a way to expanding the conscientiousness This dance consists of two parts: the first part is Lalita and Marmika. Lalita means a happy mo od, a divine pleasure. Marmika is what touches the deepest part of the soul (this dance is at least 7,000 years old.) Rhythmical steps exercise joints and stimulate pineal gland. A special function of the pineal gland is in its ability to secrete melatonin, a hormone that affects all other glands and contributes to the state of happiness and well-being. The other part is in the movements of the torso to all four sides which stretches the spinal cord and strengthens it. This dance is not only an exercise but it is also a remedy for at least 22 diseases. This panacea is effective for most of the female and male diseases. This dance is helpful for a safe delivery of a baby and for longevity. Kaoshiki is useful for the entire body. It allows to keep flexibility in the spinal cord, reduces excessive weight, and helps to...

Proverbs. Patience

Sometimes when we want something, we want it immideately. And if we don't have pat ience enough we stop trying probably right at the moment when we are almost there! So I would like to share with you, my dear, this little wisdom, that may help you to get where you want. May love be always with you!  <3 There was an old wise man and he had a pupil. The pupil used to go to the old man to confess his sins. And the old man always told him: lift yourself up! - I lifted up myself so many times! But always fell again. - So lift yourself up again. - Till when should I fall and lift me up? - Till the very end.We should not stop trying ever. - said the old man.


"If a woman under  30 years old did not turned into a beautiful,  it means that  she is either lazy, or stupid"  Coco Chanel. There is a hidden meaning in this affirmation.  indeed, the very nature of women given the opportunity to change her appearance! And it's not just the beauty. Do you know that the make-up changes the facial features? And facial features reflect on the physiognomy of human destiny. The best, but not the only instrument for the improvement of women's appearance - it is really make-up! But it is not simple. For a reason the process of applying makeup had long considered a mystery. Remember the legendary Cleopatra! Fact she was not so beautiful. But that does not stop her from ruling the vast country for many years. She enjoyed the respect of her subjects . She idolized by the best and the strongest men of the era. One of the main secrets of the great Cleopatra was her magic make-up! It was in Ancient Egypt that the a...