Indo-Tibetan healing method – recovery stream

The Indo-Tibetan method brings energy that can gradually invigorate one’s body and also help in treatement of diseases.
However, invigoration has it’s own speed and if a person is already close to death, his or her energy may fail to cure him or her for the lack of time.
In case of a difficult, chronic illness recovery tends to take much time.
It’s rapidness also depends on the state of the body. If one is young and quite healthy, the process of recovery will be fast. If not, its speed will slow down.
Moreover, recovery speed depends on one’s lifestyle. If a person smokes, drinks alcohol, leads unhealthy way of life, all his energy will be spent on the purification of toxics from smoking, junk food and so on. On the contrary, healthy lifestyle contributes to recovery and cranks it up.

The Indo-Tibetan method can be practiced along with taking remedies, if they are not very toxic. In this case the process of recovery will be even faster.
It is essential to combine the Indo-Tibetan method with herbal treatment and a diet appropriate for a particular illness, especially with yoga and body purification, cause it promotes speedy recovery.

After the Indo-Tibetan method of healing séances it is necessary to take bath as it also contributes to the recovery process.
At least 9 séances of healing and some months of taking baths with the mindset towards the Master is the best reccomendation for deep improvement and recovery.
It is important to understand what kind of thoughts, emotions and actions have led to the illness and try to change one’s world perception, relations with people to cure the illness as soon as possible. The answer on these questions can be found in such books as “Mystic’s Adventures”, “After the death” and “Siberian shamanism. The art of being a shaman”.
Moreover, trips to places of Power, seminars with mentors from ecovillage, individual work and Power objects, amulets, talismans can help to recover.

Tumor, cancer and so on are the most difficult diseases to cure. Nevertheless, the Indo-Tibetan method can prevent the development of cancer, but in this case it is necessary to practice séances on a constant basis, at least once a year in order not to let a tumor grow.
The recovery process by the Indo-Tibetan method can be combined with cleaning when all the symptoms suddenly start to get worse and it seems that the disease has developed. But it is just a healing effect that stimulates all body defenses to struggle with the disease. The disease and the evil lyarva spirit causing it will resist. But very soon healing finally wins and the disease recedes. Purification can last from several days till some weeks, and it can happen again periodically depending on the disease severity.

My personal additional recommendation- is always the Healing music of transformation.
Wish you a good health and positive energy around!


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