Parable about God's Help and How to Help People

"...“Not everything that we would like to do is allowed to us. Sometimes God teaches people through pain. It happens when they can’t understand in a different way. And it is wrong to allay such pain until God allows this!”..."
“...There is the Great Silence! The Divine Wisdom and Power are acquired inside it. Staying in the love of your heart, you have already learned to enter this Silence! Here, inside it, it becomes clear to the soul that God always lives near us. God embraces us from all sides! God is everywhere: to the left and to the right, forward and backward, up and down — no matter how far we go!
In each blade of grass, in every tree, in any bird, in each flower or fur-bearing animal, the life is maintained by the Power of God! Love of God dwells near each soul. It is only necessary to watch with attention!
Everything and everyone are fed and washed by His Bliss and Caress!..."


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