Assistance to nursing homes

It is often said that it is no fun to get old. In most cases, elderly people experience pain in the body from various diseases. Moreover, the elderly often feel «useless». Some of them are even rejected by their children.

We together with a team of assistants went to one of the nursing homes «Dobrota» in Moscow to help old people not to feel lonely. During the visit, we gave gifts to each old man and woman: calendars, books, materials for handicrafts, sweets.

In order to help everyone to have faith and feel the unconditional love of the Universe, we made the CHP meditation. Older women and men thanked us for helping, for circular meditation with tears of grace. Everyone felt much better, happier, stronger. And one woman after meditation even got out of the wheelchair and stood for a few minutes, although she had not done it for 10 years!

And in the end, we had tea and I answered their questions, helping and supporting the faith in every person.


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