Lilelle Alma: How you can help people?

Everyone should try to help people, to show them care as much as possible. You can become a volunteer, give clothes and food to people in need. Or you can save someone's life by donating your blood.

So, if you want to help people, feel the impulse of your heart, but do not know where to start, here are simple tips that will help you and many people:
1. You can become a volunteer. Volunteering means spending your free time helping other people for free. You can visit children in children's homes, help sick children in hospitals and orphanages, care for the elderly in nursing homes, help lonely people and people with disabilities.
2. Help people in need with clothes, food and other necessary items. For example, take unnecessary, but still good clothes to a nearby church or clothing bank.
3. You can donate blood at the point of blood transfusion. You can learn more about donation and possible contraindications on the Internet on the official websites of blood transfusion or directly in a medical facility. Maybe your blood will save someone's life.
4. If you personally know a needy family or a lonely old man, give them all possible assistance. For example, buy products or help to restore order in the house, give children's clothes to a large family or help with obtaining necessary certificate or social assistance.
5. Give a person a fishing rod, not a fish - invite everyone to the seminars, because it is here that everyone becomes truly happy, eliminating diseases, problems in relationships, setbacks, and gaining the very best: health, strong family and good earnings.

Around the world I organize charity projects to help children, women, old people.
And I cooperate with charity foundations from the United States, Brazil, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine.

100 fundraisers every year for children, parents and older people.
300 support meetings for people who are undergoing rehabilitation after addiction.
500 trips to zoos, dolphinariums and circuses for children.
1,000 kg of clothes and toys were sent to children's homes.
2000 ecological actions on cleaning parks, forest reserves of debris.
3000 rituals for the salvation of the Earth and helping people in different parts of the planet.

And also, on February 25 there will be held a charity event - a party for children with cancer in the Casa Hope Foundation, San Pualo.
If you want to give children hope for life, give them warmth and a little love, please join us and invite your children.

With love, Lilelle Alma


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