Fall Equinox - Get prepared for Abundance and Luck

Magic Shift Time of the Year is happening in a few days … are you ready?

Fall Equinox is a mysterious time of the year, where day and night are in balance before night takes over day, giving birth to the new cycle. It is the start of cataclysm of change, a celebration of abundance, and appreciation of health, home and family. It is all about entering the new cycle where it brings change and new beginnings.
It is also a time of understanding our long-term plans and the time for praising the Gods for their generosity in the past year.
Originally, old shamans called it "the gateway" when internal alchemy is transcending into an external alchemy within the material plane. This point in the Wheel of the Year symbolizes the balance between the spiritual life of person and the world around them. It is believed that a great insight or instruction can descend upon a person during this period, which will solve all their problems.
This is truly an exciting gateway to enter, to attract energy for internal renewal, reaching inner balance and empower your source of wealth, luck and happiness for yourself and your dear ones, - this is exactly what we was do at the Fall Equinox Retreat at the Place of Power - Mount Shasta on 21-24th of September.
For those who cannot be physically with us on this 4-days Retreat, we invite you to this place of power at Mt Shasta next year in 2018!

Each year for we gather with our spiritual teachers and our students in the Place of Power - at the Mount Shasta  -  for 4 days of transformation and spiritual practices on Fall Equinox.  Mount Shasta is considered the first karma of the planet, where the nature can breath synergetically with people. Looking forward to seeing you among us for these journey! 


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