Shamanic trip with Siberian Shaman Lilelle Alma for the USA, autumn 2017

Hello Dear Ones! I want to gratitide you for all meeting and sharings during last 2 months in USA: Colorado, at the Unifai Festival in New Mexico, at the Budart Festival in California, at the Tibetan House in New York, at the Russian Cultural Center in Washington DC. It was fantastic! I still keep in my heart all your smiles, energies, questions!

I appreciate a lot your opened minds and hearts and thank each of you for your prayers and support. Only because we were together, we were able to prevent many of the earthquakes, which was predicted on September 23 in California. Thanks to the joint ritual - the prayer on Mount Topanga to help Florida in defense against the hurricane, the strength of the hurricane decreased almost 2 times! We will continue to pray and do rituals of protection and welcome you to join us 

I love USA very much because it is a very unique place with so many light and wise souls, from all over the world. Also, you have so many beautiful natural places of power where we love to organise retreats and seminars for you.
A big gratitude for organizing all these beatiful events to our organizers (Luchezara, Beth, Kochun-Ra, Olga, Maytri, Irina, Shon),  to our translators (Luchezara, Olga, Igor), to our wonderful photo and video engineers (Olga, Igor).  Let the photos and testimonials from the our meetings be a reminder to everyone about the magical time of transformation and manifestation of our wishes.

I want to shere with you a special gift, the shamanic healing music of transformation

And highly recommend to read the books "After Death" and "Adventures of Mystics", which we spoke about. There you will find more about ancient traditions, world of energies and spirits. Also about love, abundance and healing relationships between woman and men. 

The international on-line event "Sansa chat" takes place every Saturday at 12 pm, Central Time.  To join this chat, send a request to be added to "yoursansa1" on skype. 
If you would have any difficulties, please contact us and we will help you to be added. This chat is conducted by the live heroes of the books "After Death" and "Adventures of Mystics". You are welcome to ask them your personal questions and to find out a lot of practical knowledge and rituals. New on-line meetings start from November, 2017.

We especially congratulate those who participated at the Retreat at Mt Shasta - Healing family lineage karma and Feminine Retreat - OPENING FLOW OF ABUNDANCE in Pensilvania!
And we invite you to our next retreat during Spring Equinox with Siberia shamans!!!

And of course we invite everyone to celebrate with us the New Year in Brazil or Spain! More detailed info will be sent by request.


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