1. Read to them. Yes, it is nice in itself, but there's special magic in reading to a child. Books create the universe which every reader can join. That's why it doesn't matter how old your child is, you should read to him, read with him, simply read…

 2. Listen to them. In the modern hectic world it is so easy to say: "Wait a second, I am busy!". The trick is that nothing will change in a second or even a minute, and the child will not receive the necessary attention. And when we seem ready to listen, the child doesn't want to share it with us anymore or has even forgotten what he was going to say. Kids simply feel like sharing their experiences with parents. Yes, for adults it all may look unimportant and irrelevant, but for children it is crucial! So, before telling your child to wait a second, one should realize that his phone, computer, social media or TV will not be offended, won't feel down and won't put it out of mind. But kids will.
3. Cuddle them. No matter, whether we are small or big, we all need embraces. Each child is unique, some want to be hugged to jelly, for other a single embrace will be more than fine, you should just consider their needs and don't deny hugs to the children. But please don't ask whether you should cuddle them or not! Just say: "I want to hug you!" and do it. Cuddling is not only a manifestation of love, but confidence, safety and simply happiness.
4. Create family traditions. For instance, have a movie night once a week when the whole family watches a film together. And it won't be just watching a video, when it is about a tradition!
Read more about this in a sensational book https://newcenturybooks.com/adventures-of-mystic/ 

5. Have a meal together. Time goes on really fast, cooking takes a lot of time and your job swallows the rest. Due to differences in working schedules and simply wishes of the family members it may be really tricky for a family to gather together at the table. This results in kids having snacks with flakes, hot dogs, ice-cream etc. But it is not the worst thing! What matters is that the absence of family dinners has a negative impact on relationships in the family, undermines the atmosphere of trust and love. That's why it is important to choose at least one meal, whether it is breakfast, lunch or dinner, and always have it together, invariably.
6. Tell them that they are most precious creatures. It is crucial for kids to know and remember that for their parents they are very special ones.

7. Celebrate! Again, all kids are different and have different achievements. Somebody can read at the age of five better than a ten-year-old child. Some ace in sport, while others can't stand it. Someone may be the best student in class and another kid has extra tutorials at home. But there's something in each child which he can be good at, no matter what it is, parents should support him and celebrate his every success!
8. Play together. All kids like to play, but these pastimes don't appeal to adults, as a rule. However, just find an activity that will be enjoyable for the whole family - board games, camping, fishing, hiking, competitive sports, cycling, reading, watching videos, any activity that would give a chance for merry-making and unite the whole family, making memories which kids will never forget.

9. Remember your promises. Yes, we promise so much and so often forget about it... But children's life consists of moments, and these situations may hurt them a lot... That's why all the events that are of great importance to a child like gatherings, birthday parties, rehearsals, contests, sport competitions, conferences on no account should be neglected by parents! And for a kid the fact that they remember, have not forgotten him will be the most important thing…

10. Love them. Love brings love. But it is not enough to simply tell your child that you love him, and then go on paying no attention, neglecting his wishes and stories, brushing off his requests. Love must be visible. Because only love brings love.

Read more about this in a sensational book https://newcenturybooks.com/adventures-of-mystic/ 


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