THE POWERFUL BUAGIR KNIFE. Review of the magic object

Review of the magic object:

Few years ago, there was na ocasion when I was feeling as if I was tied up in thousands of very fine threads of negative energy, the same way a spider does when it catches an insect in its net.
I asked myself who might have influenced me in this negative way, and the image of a person came right away in my mind.
But how do I get rid of this restlessness and the uncomfortable limiting sensation – I asked myself. It was very much like an evil spell that was cast on me.
Suddenly I remembered that my mentor gave me a special knife. He said I should use it in my practices to protect myself.
I ran to my room and grab the special knife made of an animal bone. I started some practices having the knife attached to my body.
After some minutes the knife slipped away from my body and fell down on the floor. Its edge touched the floor and a tiny piece of it was broken.
Immediately, I felt a huge wave of energy coming and evolving all my aura. I could actually feel that the thousands of threads around me started to loosen as if they were cut by the knife. Suddenly, I was free from that negative influence. It simply disappeared!
I was astonished. Without knowing anything about what happened, my friends told me that my face expression changed.
Thank you shamans who bring us your powerful energy protection methods and tools!


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