Shamanic Food Blessing Ritual

As Thanksgiving & Harvest unfold around us everyone emerges a little more aware of the delicious gifts that Mother Nature bestows upon us. The season is traditionally filled with the spirit of gratitude & appreciation for the fruits of the Earth. The world over celebrates with festivals & rituals & seasonal harvest picking from the farms & gardens. Somehow the air is filled with good cheer & the enjoyment of the end of Summer bounty.
We humans have been blessing our food & giving thanks for the fare upon our table since time immemorial, t’is true. There are so many diverse ways of offering reverence & gratitude for Nature’s abundance before we dive into any kind of feast. Some people say a prayer, others sing a song, some meditate inwardly while others offer the prepared food to the God in their heart. All paths & intentions are mutually filled with a heartfelt desire to acknowledge the reciprocal exchange about to take place before a meal. We are going to imbibe & enjoy the taste & quality of food that hopefully has been grown in the soil of our beautiful Mother Earth & this energy is going to feed our energy grace of the Divine. Let us give thanks!
Of course with our busy, fast paced lives for the most part in the West I would be amazed if everyone paused to bless their food when they are on the move, grabbing snacks & smoothies & to go food even of the healthy variety, what to speak of the unhealthier choices that bombard our senses daily.
Yet, this one simple act is truly an act of higher consciousness & higher choice which ensures our spiritual & physical well-being & so much more in fact.
 Even plain water will become healing if you bless it.
Let's think about how we eat. 
Sometimes we do not eat when the body really wants this, but just "for the company" or because someone gave us something "tasty". Or even just for something to do - to kill time. Or is it because "it's time for dinner." And you'll see how much we eat all unnecessary, harmful, and besides, in too large quantities, which is not required by our body food. And how often do we eat consciously, realizing that the food can be a spiritual practice? Many people while eating have a habit to talk to someone or watch TV, read a book 
or newspaper hardly even feeling the taste of food, swallowing large pieces without chewing, sometimes loudly slurp .
Maybe this happened to you, that after you finished your meal, but the feeling of satisfaction didn't come? And you have a thought: "What else can I eat?" And you go to the fridge ... or could put food on the plate, and eat it on the go, and sometimes even without putting in a plate, eating from pan. Or you could run into a cafe and eat something "in a hurry", because you're in a hurry ...
Every day, not eating properly, we kill our body. This food consumption habit leads to the number of diseases: obesity, diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, gastritis, ulcers, kidney failure, polyps, colds, fatigue, depression, negative emotions and many others.
The health of our body depends on how food gets into the body. Therefore, before the meal, we should come into a special state of mind, to meditate or to  pray. When food brakes down in the body it converts into the energy, and energy converts into heat in our body, as well as subtle energies - emotions and thoughts.
As humans we can experience subtle spiritual energy, enjoy  beauty around us, we are able to make scientific discoveries, create masterpieces of  art. And, if our energy will be thin enough, we can understand God, the Universe, the Supreme Spirit! And what kind of energy we produce, will full depend only on us.

I invite you to discover the realm of blessing the food and joy of spiritual shamanic journey.
Before the meal, close your eyes, and think what you would love to receive with help of  this power, this energy, tune in to the state of gratitude and read a special prayer:

"Oh, Merciful God! We thank you for the food sent. Help us to consider  this meal, as a sacred ceremony, the transformation of dense energy into subtle: love, bliss, wisdom, and the light of consciousness. Do not let this energy was used for the negative emotions and empty dreams. May it be so!".
Look at your table on the plate with love and appreciation.
Take some food and begin to chew slowly, feeling the taste of food, feel the flavor of the food, you can close your eyes. Mentally thank all that you eat, the sun, the rain, and the powers of the earth, which gave the necessary substances. Imagine how this food was grown on the ground, absorbed sun energy, and you can imagine that now it gives all that to you and dissolves in you. It disappears to go the way of evolution through you and then with help of your prayers, your desires and aspirations to serve good cause.
Feel great desire to learn to truly love, not only to receive, but also to give with gratitude. Let every part of the food will fill you with that energy, light, love, health, so I can transform this energy and transfer it to help others.

Upon completion of the meal, cover your eyes and mentally say the words of the prayer:

  "Great Divine Power! We thank you for the opportunity to develop through this meal and approach to you even closer, creating a higher energy of love, grace, wisdom, and the light of consciousness. May it be so!
Taking the foodthis way, the usual lunch turns into a spiritual practice. After the meal, you'll feel a soaring lightness, saturation, good humor, and your body will heal. You will be full of energy and strength, and your desires will be fulfilled.

I'll be glad to receive your emails with questions to

Love Lilelle


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